
James Dinan

The Unbalanced Tree Search Benchmark

The Unbalanced Tree Search (UTS) benchmark is a parallel benchmarking code that reports the performance achieved when performing an exhaustive search on an unbalanced tree. The tree is generated on the fly using a splittable random number generator (RNG) that allows the random stream to be split and processed in parallel while still producing a deterministic tree. The splittable RNG has been constructed using the SHA1 secure hash algorithm. Thus, generating a node's children requires multiple applications of the SHA1 hash algorithm to generate splittable hashes for each child.

Project Members

  • The Ohio State University
    • Professor P. Sadayappan
    • James Dinan
    • Gerald Sabin
  • University of Maryland
    • Professor Chau-Wen Tseng
  • University of North Carolina
    • Professor Jan Prins
    • Stephen Olivier