
utPLSQL / News: Recent posts

New Release v2.3.0

I have just finished releasing v2.3.0 of utPLSQL. The changes are:

Posted by Paul Walker 2015-02-08

New Release v2.2.3

I have just finished releasing v2.2.3 of utPLSQL. The changes are:

  • bugs:#35: Fixed an issue with utAssert.eqQuery failing with long select statements.
  • [bugs:#39]: Corrected a spelling mistake in the documentation.
Posted by Paul Walker 2014-08-30

New Release v2.2.2

I have just finished releasing v2.2.2 of utPLSQL. The main changes are:

  • [bugs:#32]: Fixed issue with "eqquery" failing if a statement contained "UNION ALL".
  • [bugs:#33]: Fixed issue which meant tests ran in an undetermined order (they will now run in alphabetical order).
Posted by Paul Walker 2014-05-04

New Release v2.2.1

I have just finished releasing v2.2.1 of utPLSQL. The main change is a fix to the uninstaller - it used to leave 2 views behind. The documentation has also been updated and is now valid XHTML.

Posted by Paul Walker 2014-04-06

New administrator

With the kind support of Steven Feuerstein (plsqlguy), I have recently been added to this project as a new administrator. I hope to dust off a few cobwebs and get the lights turned back on, as it were. utPLSQL is an excellent utility and it'd be nice to see it continue as an active project!

Posted by Paul Walker 2013-09-21

utPLSQL 2.2 finally released

After a lull of several years, a new (non-beta) version of utPLSQL has finally been released.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2005-06-02

Updated ToadScript

It now allows direct running of test packages where there is no associated package. So you can test ut_foobar even if there is no package foobar.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2004-03-04

Version 2.1.1 Released

Version 2.1.1 is now available for download. This corresponds with the version distributed with OUnit ( The installer has been rewritten, there are a variety of bug fixes and the documentation has been updated.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2003-06-20

Source Now Held in CVS

All of the source for utPLSQL is now held in the CVS repository. Initially only those people who are project admins will have the ability to commit changes. What this means is that if you want to submit changes to the code, you should do the following:

1) Get the latest version from CVS. For details of how to do this, see:

2) Once you have made your changes, I would suggest doing a CVS update to see if anyone has changed anything in the meantime (unless you code very quickly!).... read more

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2003-06-04

Patched version released

I have just released a patched version ( which fixes a number of problems in the previous release. The version has also been withdrawn.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2002-10-10

Version Released

A new version of utPLSQL is out, with contributions from several new people. Release notes are at

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2002-10-08

Version Released

It's been a while, but a new version of utPLSQL is out. Highlights are the ability to run named test packages using, a new parameter to override the standard test package naming convention and my utOutput package and associated assertions. The documentation has also been updated in a number of places.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2002-08-06

Documentation Update

The documentation has been reworked to make it cleaner and also easier to add new docs. There is an online version at There is also a new document describing how to add documentation at The docs are now in CVS and there are new tasks to make the updates.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2002-03-15 Released

The new version is out. See the change log for the list of changes. Good to see some new names in the code!

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2002-02-27

Toad Script Added to Downloads

I have added the script which allows utPLSQL to be run directly from Toad 7.2 to the downloads.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2002-02-08

Assertion development guidelines updated

The document describing how to go about developing new assertion code for utPLSQL has been updated. See the Docs section for more.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2001-11-28

Patch added to fix under Oracle 7.3

I have added a patch which redefines one of the tables to avoid using CLOB, which is an Oracle 8 datatype.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2001-11-28

First Set of Tasks

The first set of tasks have been entered into the TaskManager. At the moment, we are concentrating on adding assertions to utPLSQL. Go to the Tasks section for more info. If you see one you want to take on, make sure you are registered here , then mail Steven (

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2001-11-23 Available, plus new Docs

The latest version of utPLSQL ( is available in the Files section ( There is also a document on adding assertions. This is in the Docs section (

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2001-11-21

Made a new homepage

Added a simple homepage on with links to the O'Reilly Site, the Yahoo discussion group plus an online version of the documentation. It describes how to get involved in the development of utPLSQL.

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2001-10-31

Latest Version Uploaded

I have uploaded the latest version (2.0.7) as well as the last 'full' release (1.5.6)

Posted by Chris Rimmer 2001-10-31

initial upload

Steven sent me all the latest files and I more-or-less populated the CVS repository with them. Please note that even though it listed me as the author of the files, I'm just the messenger!

Posted by Bill Pribyl 2000-07-07