
Ushop Error Installing assembly be installed in the gloabal cache

  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-05-21

    My problem is that, i tried to install the Ushop (point of sale for sage) i installed it (windows installer ok, sql server ok) until the last part that it says: Unable to install or run the application. the application requires that assembly the Sage.Sdb.Mobile.Sif....... be instaled in the global assembly cache. could you help me with this error?

  • Jim

    Jim - 2012-05-27

    Hi Stavros, Can you confirm that you have Sage 50 installed and which version? This is a DLL that comes with the core Sage install - so should be available.

    Also, can you let me know which version of ushop you have downloaded? thanks


    Last edit: Jim 2012-05-27
    • stavros

      stavros - 2012-05-29

      I have on my pc the Sage V12 and also the Sage v14 (2010). I am using windows XP
      I downloaded all the version of Ushop. Until the version 0.3 it says: the problem i wrote you above. when i try to use the 0.4th version it lets me finish the install but the windows XP pop up a message that Sorry a problem ....unexpectetly and must close...
      But i tried to use the 3 version at the same pc with the sage v16 (2012) i installed it and it comes the same problem..


      Last edit: stavros 2012-05-29
      • Jim

        Jim - 2012-06-06

        Hi Stavros,

        I've just done a completely clean installation and found a few issues. The installer doesn't behave as it should!

        Please try the following....

        1) Download the new version 0.0.5. Thhis is just a zip, so no installer to run. Just extract it to a sensible directory.

        2) edit config.xml and change the paths to the same path as you've just extracted to.

        3) Run ushop and let me know what happens. email me a copy of the ushop_logfile.txt if there is a problem.

        4) Make sure sdata is enabled in sage 50. (TOOLS->INTERNET OPTIONS)

  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-06-09

    Hi Jim,
    I have done some changes at the Xml File:
    Change at the 3 line the version from V18 to V16
    Change the path to my path at line 5 and Line 9
    Now the program starts and i am at the first screenshot that needs password. i enter user: manager and i let the pass empty but it says: invalid user or Password!

    I attached you the XML file


    I found this line (the last line of log file) interesting: <Admin Manager="" Credit="" Discount="" PriceChg="">:False/False/False/False/False[loginButton_Click]


    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : #############uShop Startup#############[MainWindow]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : Entering...[Window_Loaded]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : Entering..[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : Dsn=SageLine50v16;uid=manager[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:\Ushop\uShop0.0.5\Release\USHOP.MDF";Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=False[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : c:\tmp[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : C:\Ushop\uShop0.0.5\Release[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : 3[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : 3[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : 3[getDBstrings]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : [populate_tills]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : SQL:SELECT TILL_ID, NOMINAL, DEPARTMENT FROM Tills;[populate_tills]
    09/06/2012 12:06:40 μμ : Tills found:0[populate_tills]
    09/06/2012 12:06:45 μμ : Login started... Username:MANAGER[loginButton_Click]
    09/06/2012 12:06:46 μμ : User:0: Flags <Admin Manager="" Credit="" Discount="" PriceChg="">:False/False/False/False/False[loginButton_Click]
    09/06/2012 12:06:49 μμ : [logout_Click]


    Last edit: stavros 2012-06-09
    • Jim

      Jim - 2012-06-10

      Ok - so the username will be "jw" with no password (you can add/remove users once in).

      Looking at the log I dodn't think it will work though as it isn't seeing the database.

      Check that you've pointed the config file at the right location for the database.

      Also check that you've configured SQL server to use windows authentication and that your user has permissions to this.

      If it sees the the database then it will populate the tills drop down.

      • Jim

        Jim - 2012-06-10

        One more thing - depending on your SQL server setup, you might want to try changing the DBstring line to having "Integrated Security=False"

  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-06-12

    hI Jim,
    Thanks for your help,
    I have 2 questions
    Check that you've pointed the config file at the right location for the database.
    You mean to put the path of my sage dadabase? In which point of the config file i ghave to do this? Can youi write me an example here of your path and where to write it?

    Also check that you've configured SQL server to use windows authentication and that your user has permissions to this.
    This can you easily explain me from where to do it?


  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-07-31

    I hope you are fine,
    Well maybe you didnt receive my prevuews link.
    Let me give you some details to help me about the error that i get.
    My sage line 50 version is v16.
    I enter to the data by following a path (my data are in a server pc) \Pytx100s1\d\Data\Sage Data\Data v16\ACCDATA
    Can you know help me where to point the config.xml file (which lines to change)

    Thanks for your help,

    • Jim

      Jim - 2012-08-05

      Hi Stavros,

      I have been very busy on another project so apologies for a slow reply. If
      you send me a copy of your config.xml and the log file then I will be able
      to comment better.

      Here is an example that may help -

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <SQL>Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="D:\USHOP\USHOP\USHOP.MDF";Integrated
      Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=False</SQL>

      Things to check -
      L50 = Should eb the same DSN name as in the Windows ODBC setup under
      control panel.

      SQL = The AttachDbFilename needs to point to the location of the MDF
      file that you have in the zip (i.e. the path you've installed to).
      Depending on your SQL setup, you might also need to change "User Intance"
      to true.
      If you send me the files then I can probably help better.


      Last edit: Jim 2012-08-05
  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-08-08

    Dear JW,
    Thanks for your reply,
    I made some corrections in the config.xml and now i could enter and add the"JW" user and then it asks me "amount to add the flow"
    I am sending you my config.xml and my log file.
    What icouldnt manage to understand is what path i have to enter (if i have to change) the <InvPath>c:\tmp\</InvPath> c:\temp
    <zPath>c:\tmp\</zPath> c:\temp
    Thank you in advance and i believe that your POS is a very nice and easy used program that can be better and better and helped a lot of people.

    • Jim

      Jim - 2012-08-08

      Hi Stavros,

      Let me try and help some more!

      After you login, you can create new users in the settings.

      The "Add to Float" is simply to enter what the cash float in till is. It has to be entered as a "X.XX" format, where X is 0 to 9. So to add nothing, fill in "0.00".

      The path for InvPath and vPath is where you want the invoices produced to be output. It also opens them directly in your web browser when created. So you can make these where ever you'd like copies of the invoice and Z-Reading files to be kept. (The Z-Readings give you the key statistics for the day and reset the day totals).

      Looking at the logs, it looks like you're running Sage 50 2012, which usually means you need to change "Dsn=SageLine50v16;uid=manager" to be "Dsn=SageLine50v18;uid=manager" (Note the version 18).

      This will probably solve the other errors I can see, but you'll need to check that.

      Let me know how you get on and what bugs you find :-)


  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-09-11

    HI JW,
    I changed the version from 18 to 16 and now i can enter the program.. put the password JW and then add the floaf 0.00.
    Then i am going to find a customer but it returns with "No customers Matches"
    Maybe the problem is that my data is in another computer? the company file of sage in my pc has as a path the data of the server. \Pytx100s1\data\Sage Data\Data v16
    Maybe i have to vhange something to the config file of ushop to reaD THE DATA FROM THE SERVER PATH?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Jim

      Jim - 2012-09-11

      Hi Stavros,

      Can you check the log file and send me a copy?

      In the customer box you can either type the customer number or post code (or the start of).


  • stavros

    stavros - 2012-10-18

    Hi Jim,
    I have tried one more time and cannot read my customers.
    In my pc i have many versions of Sage this may make the think compicate?
    I want to use it on my Sage V16.
    Below you can find the log file and in the attached file the config file.
    My folder of ushop POS is on desktop/release:(here are the files)

    18/10/2012 12:38:11 μμ : #############uShop Startup#############[MainWindow]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : Entering...[Window_Loaded]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : Entering..[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : Dsn=SageLine50v16;uid=manager[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Release\USHOP.MDF";Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=False[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : c:\tmp[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Release[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : 3[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : 3[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:12 μμ : 3[getDBstrings]
    18/10/2012 12:38:13 μμ : [populate_tills]
    18/10/2012 12:38:14 μμ : SQL:SELECT TILL_ID, NOMINAL, DEPARTMENT FROM Tills;[populate_tills]
    18/10/2012 12:38:14 μμ : Tills found:0[populate_tills]
    18/10/2012 12:38:20 μμ : Login started... Username:jw[loginButton_Click]
    18/10/2012 12:38:23 μμ : User:0: Flags <Admin Manager="" Credit="" Discount="" PriceChg="">:True/True/True/True/True[loginButton_Click]
    18/10/2012 12:38:28 μμ : Entering... Customer serchbox: 02[button1_Click]
    18/10/2012 12:38:34 μμ : Entering... Customer serchbox: 02xsight[button1_Click]
    18/10/2012 12:38:49 μμ : Entering... Customer serchbox: 06AOEN[button1_Click]


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