
Compiling USBIP staging modules

  • leslieviljoen

    leslieviljoen - 2009-08-07

    I am trying to compile the staging modules on Ubuntu Jaunty, since my kernel is 2.6.28+, but not quite sure how to do it. My tale of woe is here:

    I think my problem is getting kernel source that corresponds exactly to the running kernel - any advice on how to go about it?

    • Lepton Wu

      Lepton Wu - 2009-08-08
      • leslieviljoen

        leslieviljoen - 2009-08-08

        Wow, it works, thanks very much! The only annoyance is that "make bzImage" seems to build all modules, which I suppose there might be some way around. But at least the whole kernel doesn't need rebuilding.

        For others, the steps are:

        It seems to work. The "make bzImage" step seems to compile ALL
        modules, so it's not AWESOME, but at least you don't have to do the
        kernel itself. The steps are:

        1. Get the kernel source (wajig install linux-source-2.6.28 etc.) and
        extract it in your home directory
        2. Change to the extracted directory
        3. make oldconfig
        4. make menuconfig (turn on the modules under drivers-staging-usbip)
        5. make prepare
        6. make modules_prepare
        7. make bzImage
        8. make M=drivers/staging/usbip
        9. sudo cp drivers/staging/usbip/*ko
        /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/staging/usbip
        10. sudo depmod

        Now those modules can be inserted with modprobe.

        • leslieviljoen

          leslieviljoen - 2009-08-08

          Oh, sorry about the doubling up of that previous message :)


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