
Issue with the initial bootloader for JS16

  • Jim

    Jim - 2014-12-17

    Hi Peter,
    There is a some sort of an issue with the initial bootloader for JS16 usbdm programmer in I tryed to program new boards and it says that the programming is successful but when I remove the jumper and plug the board into the USB port again the USBDM programmer software doesn't recognize it. This was under Win 7 64 bits. Then I tryed the same board with the initisl JS16 bootloader from 4.10.5 under Win XP 32 bit and it worked. The same board later worked with the programmer's software from So something happend with the initial bootloader in or from before that. I also remember that the bootloader was working with version 150 or 160.


  • Peter O'Donoghue

    Hi Jim,
    I've been unable to reproduce this.

    I don't have any new chips to try with, at least none soldered up so I did the following:
    - Used an external programmer to erase and program an empty file to a JS16 in a USBDM-JS16-SWD-SER. This left the device unsecured and mostly blank which I believe is the way they are shipped.
    - Plugged in the now blank device
    - Used the JS16 initial bootloader to program a suitable image file for the BDM
    - Re-booted
    - Used the 2nd stage bootloader to verify that the image was correct - Note this only verifies the BDM firmware, it doesn't verify the bootloader but obviously it would appear to be working.
    - Verified the operation of BDM with programming a device.
    - Used an external programmer to verify that the contents of the JS16 was identical to the intended image loaded by the initial bootloader.

    I can't think of anything else to check.

    Can you specify the exact image you are using i.e. which of the JS16 images in case one in particular has a problem.

    Also could you try with the current version in case it is something that has gone away :)


    PS. For reference this was with win7-64 bit


    Last edit: Peter O'Donoghue 2014-12-22
  • Jim

    Jim - 2015-01-02

    Hi Peter,
    Looks like something is wrong with the drivers for Win7-64 bit because all the versions I've tried work with Win XP 32 bit and none of them work on my Win 7 64 bit - even the last one 240. I've tried 4.10.5,, 80, 100, 120, 160, 190, 210, 240. "JS16 First Level Bootloader" says everything is OK but when I remove the jumper from the BLMS pin the HS08 and HS12 programmers report "No devices found". If I do the bootloader on Win XP after that everything works on Win7 64 bit.

    Thanks and Happy new year :)


  • Jim

    Jim - 2015-06-01

    Hi Peter,
    I think the problem I was talking about is related to the USB3 problem you just discovered. The new Win7 64 bit system has USB 3 ports. I was never bothering to try it on the USB2 port on the same machine but now after you mentioned it in the new update I tried it and it works. When I try it on USB3 it even erases the firmware of a working programmer and makes it un-operational but then on USB2 it gets fixed. After the firmware is updated on USB2 then the programmer works fine on USB3. The new software version acts the same.



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