
USARSim/MOAST Tutorials at ICRA '06 and AAAI '06

A full day tutorial on Urban Search and Rescue Simulation (USARSim) and the Mobility Open Architecture Simulation and Tools (MOAST) Framework has been accepted for presentation at both the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Orlando FL and the twenty-first national conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI) in Boston MA. The MOAST framework and the USARSim simulation environment provide researchers and developers with tools to develop, test, and analyze the performance of mobile robots. While both tutorials will address a broad range of topics and will include hands-on developmental experiences, ICRA will concentrate on USARSim and low-level robotic simulation while AAAI will concentrate on MOAST and higher-level intelligent control. Both tutorials will appeal to researchers and developers from various backgrounds in the fields of Mobile Robotics, Urban Search and Rescue, Distributed AI, Human-Computer Interaction, and simulation/training systems. The ICRA tutorial will take place on Friday May 19, 2006. More information may be found at The AAAI tutorial will take place on Sunday July 16, 2006. More information may be found at

Posted by Stephen Balakirsky 2006-02-13

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