
Tree [83af84] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Binaries 2012-03-22 sandern sandern [83eff6] Updated ImageServer source code. Fixed hooking ...
 Development 2015-07-15 Freddy Freddy [83af84] Addition of the KUKA youBot base
 UDKGame 2013-07-18 Teddy Weisman Teddy Weisman [75c051] Updated DefaultUSAR.ini file for parts starting...
 USARDLL 2012-03-22 sandern sandern [83eff6] Updated ImageServer source code. Fixed hooking ...
 USARDoc 2011-06-22 Stephen Carlson Stephen Carlson [11ca4e] World controller functionality appears to work.
 USARGame 2015-07-15 Freddy Freddy [83af84] Addition of the KUKA youBot base
 USARRunMaps 2013-07-10 Teddy Weisman Teddy Weisman [5b3578] Revert "made collision for models more accurate"
 USARTools 2013-12-14 Stephen Balakirsky Stephen Balakirsky [c3b61f] Copied with minor modifications from the svn ve...
 development 2013-11-11 Stephen Balakirsky Stephen Balakirsky [15d32b] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 usargame 2013-11-11 Stephen Balakirsky Stephen Balakirsky [15d32b] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
 .gitignore 2012-09-17 Arnoud Visser Arnoud Visser [ebf161] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://usarsim.git.sour...
 editor.bat 2011-06-28 Stephen Carlson Stephen Carlson [cd09d7] Modify game files to handle upgrade of Unreal e...
 make.bat 2011-06-28 Stephen Carlson Stephen Carlson [cd09d7] Modify game files to handle upgrade of Unreal e...
 make_clean.bat 2011-06-28 Stephen Carlson Stephen Carlson [cd09d7] Modify game files to handle upgrade of Unreal e...
 readme.txt 2013-06-12 Teddy Weisman Teddy Weisman [c9c09c] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://

Read Me


Please use GIT repository (see below for instructions). SVN is no longer supported!

Installation instructions from sourceforge files area:
1. Download and Install UDK February-2013 ( Install this to a directory named UDK\UDK-yyyy-mm. 
   In this case 'yyyy' is the year of your UDK release and 'mm' is the month.
2. Retrieve the latest release of USARSim for UDK from the usarsim-UDK folder.
3. Unzip all of the files from the release into the directory specified in step 1.
4. Run "make" in the UDK-yyyy-mm folder.

Installation instructions from Git respository:
1. Download and Install UDK February-2013 ( Install this to a directory named UDK\UDK-yyyy-mm. 
   In this case 'yyyy' is the year of your UDK release and 'mm' is the month.
2. Using a client such as Git Gui, open a bash window in the same directory that you specified in step 1 (UDK-yyyy-mm) and type:
      git clone ssh://
3. Move all of the files (including the .git folder) from the code folder into the directory specified in step 1.
4. Run "make" in the UDK-yyyy-mm folder.

1. Execute make.bat (might require Administrative privileges to run correctly)
2. Start usarsim using one of the map bat files located in USARRunMaps

Known issues:
1) Sensors need validation.
2) Many materials and models have yet to be imported.

1. This version was verified with the UDK February-2013 release! 
2. Due to the fact that unreal needs a build order, we had to move the base class of USARVehicle, BaseVehicle,
   into the USARBase folder so there wouldn’t be any problems. 
3. The verified working example robots are BasicSkidRobot, CasterSkidRobot, and P3AT.
4. This code partially based off of constraint examples at

	Textures by
	Packed by
	Thanks to them!