
New release URD 0.4.1

A new version of URD has been just released. Even though it was intended to be just a bug fix, we were able to sneak some nifty new features into it as well. These include:

The handling of other archive formats such as 7z, arj, ace, zip. And on top of that archives with passwords are now also supported. More archives can and probably will be added in a future release much easier now to as we clean up that part of the code.

Maybe URD's configuration becomes too fouled up to restore properly sometimes. A simple click on reset will now restore all settings to the defaults. This goes for the preferences as well.

Sometimes shit happens with URD too and one of its threads would crash. We improved the crash handler, so you'd be noticed of this as well as that URD tries to recuperate the error.

Once more the installer has been improved and includes more checks even for php modules as well as external programs.

And as often requested the newsgroup list can be sorted now too.

Then there are many albeit mostly smaller bugs that got fixed. The short list is:
- fix bug in update newsgroup
- fix bugs in the status updates on the download page
- paused transfers can also be renamed now
- fixed bug in downloading articles after a pause
- fix bug in layout
- fix bug in preview where a uuencoded file was not properly decoded first
- small fix in viewfiles page
- files unmarked as interesting will not be marked interesting again after updating the newsgroup

Posted by Spearhead 2008-03-25

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