
#33 improving media management

workshop (11)

currently when you enter a manage media screen, it displays the list of stages, with media grouped according to which stage they've been assigned to. this is confusing, especially as on the manage stages screen it displays the media grouped according to uploader. also there is a bug which means that if an avatar's name has been changed on a stage, it does not show up as being assigned to that stage in the "manage avatars" screen - so sometimes it is not possible to find your avatar except through the manage stage screen.

it would be much better if the media was grouped according to the user who uploaded it. &, rather than the whole list of usernames & check boxes as is on the edit stage screen, it would be more tidy to have a dropdown menu of usernames; when you select from the dropdown menu then the media is displayed immediately (rather than the cumbersome process at the moment). it would mean that you would only be able to see one user's media at a time (unless you had a dropdown menu where you can select multiple items by using the ctrl key, which i have seen in some situations) but to only see one user's media at a time wouldn't be a big problem.

and EVEN BETTER would be if the default state was to automatically display the media uploaded by the logged-in user; with the choice to access other users' media via a dropdown menu. because 9 times out of 10 it is your own media you're looking for.


  • Helen Varley Jamieson

    • status: open --> closed
    • milestone: --> Next_Release_(example)
  • Helen Varley Jamieson

    this has been realised in v2.4.2 :)



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