
UPCASE / News: Recent posts

UpCase - latest news

The UpCase project has just published the user manual for its web distribution. Other manuals for developpers or web hosters are to be finished this week. A wiki has been set-up to be more transparent on future developments (see\).
We are now starting to work on the 0.3.0 version that will be published early next year : more packages, more functionnalities is going to be our leitmotiv.

Posted by Oliver Schneider 2003-12-13

The first web distro? - UpCase 0.2.0 is out!

The latest version (0.2.0) of the UpCase software has been released. With UpCase, you can install and manage your favorite PHP+MySQL applications on your web hosting. This software has been developped for beginners. We provide packaged versions of the applications on our package-server. UpCase offers an easy way to install, desinstall or upgrade them. Those who use Linux distributions will immediately be familiar with this concept.

Posted by Oliver Schneider 2003-10-20