
Is Mecca an UnIslamic Word?

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2005-07-23

    I got this message from some spam network (name removed) and i m replaying here with my lenghty response especially to avoid living in fitnah (heresy). I believed this message is from our common enemies that is exploiting sentiments to make us go after each other's necks, in view that terrorism is the soup-du-jour.

    ********: DEAR FRIENDS...........fyr info Most of us use the spelling MAKKAH as MECCA.The Word MECCA means SHARAB KHANA or prostitute centre this is modified by ISLAM's enemies... It's a huge plan be careful write MAKKAH don't write MECCA please... Please forward this by every means of communication to each and every Muslim brother if u r a true Muslim

    (7/23/2005 7:45 AM)
    redhuanoon: are u refering to the romanised or arabic version? Do  u understand those words yourself? What is your source? Your post brings more questions. Its important to investigate first before asking for or continuing this spamming action as this profilerate the culture of taqlid (following without knowledge) among the ummah. U are a University graduate and the internet is always at your fingertips. What's stopping u?

    FYI, Mecca is an English word and not an Arabic word. If u take a word of English semantics and transpose it into the Arabic form it will of course give a different semantic. Just like using a C command "include" in Java will give an error.

    Mecca in English carries the semantic 'mim-alif-kaf-hah' of the arabic language, which points to that historic location and 'qaf-ba-lam-hah' (Qiblat).

    When used in English, u need to use the English semantics and not the Arabic one. Otherwise u are spreading confusion all over, and worse, u are doing it in ignorance, and taqlid (blind pursuance in lieu of real knowledge) which Islam abhors and classofy the removal of it as wajib (compulsory).

    Thus its my obligation to correct such an attitude.

    I can also spread such a mischevious spam to my neighbouring country of 200 million muslims that the word 'butoh' meaning 'need' in Indonesian actually meant 'arse' in Malay. If i follow the fashion of the spam above, i will tell the Indonesian to be careful not to use that word as its against our vocabulary.

    To me if the Arabic understanding masses felt that the English transliteration of Mecca is inappropriate should certainly have raised this issue in more open and official form, via the language bearing institutions or just explain its true pronounciation, for example they can put Mecca in the Oxford dictionary, with the Makkah pronounce. Just like Mosque is pronounced Mosk and not Mos-quee.

    For in the final analysis, what the above message was trying to do was to make the muslims (ignorant ones) angry and upset over a so called mispronounciation which isnt in the first place.

    In China, the chinese call Muslims as 'Hui' which means 'return'  literally or just the Hui-Hui people who happens to be muslims.

    The west has for centuries call the Muslims, 'Mohammedans' and now that seem corrected, out by sheer evolution of understanding.

    Again, the main lesson or question is "What do u mean by saying this or such a word?" . One should ask the english speaking public what is meant when they say 'Mecca' and give them the benefit of defense rather than jump on them saying "U have vilified me!"

    Thus u will have a proper answer from the English which i believe means that Qiblat and historic place built by the Prophets Abraham and Ishmael (Peace and Blessings of God be upon them) in the middle of Hijaz, now present day Saudi Arabia.

    And I detest the most the use of such an unislamic acusation to those who use the word Mecca as 'Islam's enemies' . As a muslim, we follow what Allah has set down, which is that 'No one stand accused outside a court of law'.  Otherwise that is considered fitnah, and thus we are spreading fitnah on a massive scale using the internet.

    So now i call upon the person(s) who has spread the message on to send an equal message back to all the other receivees, quoting me or otherwise conduct his/her own research and offer a more saner and sober rebuttal or retort and receive the blessings of God for been righteuos, upright and upholding of the Shariah which calls us to have "Alif-Qaf-Lam", the Intellect, for there is no 'Deen' on one who is without Intellect.

    And remember, on the Day of Judgement, you shall be called to bear ownership of every iota of action and speech u make. Be forewarned.

    In deepest fear of such fitnah,
    Servant of God,

    • Redhuan D. Oon

      Redhuan D. Oon - 2005-07-23

      fyi, i pronounce arabicly to the arabs, and english to the english. For those of u who know me can personally attest to that. I dont even use Manglish (Asian form of English) with the Lahs and Mahs,
      So i say , 'Makkatul Mukarramah' to arabic understanding ones, and Mecca to the americanised ones. And Gan can attest that i pronounce my chinese name also correctly 'Wen Bau Xin'. (sorry got no mp3 attachment here for u to hear my real name).

      I even tried to teach u ppl French at one time! But i give up! God has created humans forgetful, and have to be constantly reminded in patience and truth, amen.

      • anakamilia

        anakamilia - 2005-11-08

        Every view is correct. In order to be safe just use and spell it correctly using Arabic Spelling.Makkatul Mukarramah - We are proud of being a Muslim


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