Roland Illig - 2015-02-08

+1. This is exactly what I would like to have. Before even downloading the program, I thought: This would be the killer feature.

In more detail, the workflow for establishing an indenter style in a project could look like this:

  1. I load an original file. UIGUI automatically marks this as the “original” snapshot.
  2. I choose an indenter and its settings.
  3. I play a little with the settings, looking at the output.
  4. To see what has changed, I switch into “diff mode”.
  5. I’m satisfied with the result, so I take a snapshot. I can give it a name if I want. The list of snapshots appears in the toolbar, or somewhere else where I can quickly access it. The base version for showing the diffs doesn’t change, so it is still the original.
  6. I want to experiment further, so I change some other options. The diff is getting larger, and it’s hard to see what my recent experiments changed.
  7. Therefore I click on the snapshot that I just took and select that as the base for the diffs. Now the diffs are nice and short again.
  8. I like the changes, so I take another snapshot.
  9. I notice that the first snapshot wasn’t too good, and I don’t need it anymore. Therefore I delete it.
  10. I do some more experiments, creating several more snapshots.
  11. I want to discuss the snapshots with my team colleagues. Therefore I need to save the snapshots, so they don’t get lost.