
Insulting the greats , ( Fanzam and Johm L )

  • Kampo

    Kampo - 2018-07-09

    Hello Jack

    Please be aware this user ( Alexander Albrecht ) insulted Unicenta and said to me that not to use your system anymore and also insulted Fanzam and John L , and this is what I send him and he reply to me very bad . Please bann him .

    Because you've assaulted the best developers why you insulted John L and Fanzam they're really honest with us
    John L and Fanzam plan to set up fraud on clients stealing ideas from developers are only cowboys no more

    Please Vanzam and John ban this man because they insult you and I do not allow him

    -------- Beginning of forwarded message--------
    09.07.2018, 08:40, "alexalb2015" alexalb2015

    REPLY at /profile/send_message

    John L and Fanzam plan to set up fraud on clients stealing ideas from developers are only cowboys no more

  • uniCenta

    uniCenta - 2018-07-09

    Malicious people like him - he is using an alias by the way - exist in all forums don't they... fact of life.

    Thing is, if you can accept the laws of the universe, that people like them always get what they deserve..., somehow.
    John L and Fanzam do great stuff. Don't let his comments get to you.

    Just so you know I moderate all posts to the unicenta forums and have done so for the last several weeks and he won't reappear in the forums though I can't stop you contacting him if you choose.



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