
Problems aligning nested functions on newline

Dustin Row
  • Dustin Row

    Dustin Row - 2010-03-24

    Great program and it has done almost everything I need it to do, but I can't
    seem to configure it to align trailing parameters. It's taking properly
    aligned code and misaligning the parameters for function calls.

    I want the code to look like this:
    memcpy( &foobar,
    sizeof( foobar ) );

    But the code is coming out like this:
    memcpy( &foobar,
    sizeof( foobar ) );

    I've tried every single option to try to fix this (even looked at adding a
    align_func_call_parms() function to align.cpp). But can't get anywhere.
    Thanks in advance!


  • Dustin Row

    Dustin Row - 2010-03-24

    Great program and it has done almost everything I need it to do, but I can't
    seem to configure it to align trailing parameters. It's taking properly
    aligned code and misaligning the parameters for function calls.

    I want the code to look like this:

    memcpy( &foobar, 
                      sizeof( foobar ) );

    But the code is coming out like this:

    memcpy( &foobar, 
                     sizeof( foobar ) );

    I've tried every single option to try to fix this (even looked at adding a
    align_func_call_parms() function to align.cpp). But can't get anywhere.
    Thanks in advance!


  • Dustin Row

    Dustin Row - 2010-03-24

    Well I can't seem to get a good example on this board, but basically it is
    aligning the paramater a column right after the open paren, but should be
    aligned under the &.