Sebastian - 2016-09-21

when trying to execute this query in unbbayes i get no errors, but when i do this in code using the laskey algorithm as follows:

String nameOfResidentNodeInQuery = "NPCType";
String argument1 = "Ninja4";
// single query
net = this.textModeRunner.callLaskeyAlgorithm(mebn, kb, Collections.singletonList( QueryNodeNameAndArguments(nameOfResidentNodeInQuery, argument1)));

i get the following error:

Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE NINJA4 ?Z)'
Expected 1' argument(s).. Error occurred while parsing the proposition: (KAPPA ((ISA ?Z @ZONE_LABEL)) (NPCZONE @NINJA4 ?Z)) trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
(NPCZONE NINJA4 ?Z)' tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] Expected1' argument(s)..
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
Add context Parent for referenceUncertainOV:
OV: z; ContextNode: SSBNNode:( z = NPCZone(npc) ) z[[F, B]]
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE NINJA4 ?Z)'
Expected 1' argument(s).. Error occurred while parsing the proposition: trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] (KAPPA ((ISA ?Z @ZONE_LABEL)) (NPCZONE @NINJA4 ?Z)) ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
(NPCZONE NINJA4 ?Z)' tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] Expected1' argument(s)..
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
Add context Parent for referenceUncertainOV:
OV: z; ContextNode: SSBNNode:( z = NPCZone(npc) ) z[[F, B]]
Clash occurred in the world |WLD|36' in module|MDL|/PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FINDINGS_MODULE_1'.
Derived both TRUE and FALSE for the proposition |P#|(MEMBER-OF ONE (SETOF /PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/MORETHANONE NONE /PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/ONE))'. Clash occurred in the world|WLD|36' in module |MDL|/PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FINDINGS_MODULE_1'. Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
(NPCZONE NINJA1 ?Z)' Expected1' argument(s)..
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE NINJA1 ?Z)'
tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
Expected 1' argument(s).. ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) Error occurred while parsing the proposition: OVFault[z] (KAPPA ((ISA ?Z @ZONE_LABEL)) (NPCZONE @NINJA1 ?Z)) Add context Parent for referenceUncertainOV: OV: z; ContextNode: SSBNNode:( z = NPCZone(npc) ) z[[F, B]] Derived both TRUE and FALSE for the proposition|P#|(MEMBER-OF FRIEND (SETOF ENEMEY /PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FRIEND))'.
Clash occurred in the world |WLD|36' in module|MDL|/PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FINDINGS_MODULE_1'.
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE ?NPC ?Z)'
trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
Expected 1' argument(s).. Error occurred while parsing the proposition: ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL) (ISA ?Z @ZONE_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC ?Z)) tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) OVFault[npc, z] Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
(NPCZONE ?NPC ?Z)' trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] Expected1' argument(s)..
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
OVFault[npc, z]
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: []
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: []
Derived both TRUE and FALSE for the proposition |P#|(MEMBER-OF VEHICLE (SETOF CHARACTER TREE /PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/VEHICLE WALL))'. Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes Clash occurred in the world|WLD|36' in module |MDL|/PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FINDINGS_MODULE_1'. TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
(NPCZONE ?NPC F)' Expected1' argument(s)..
trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )](NPCZONE ?NPC F)'
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Expected 1' argument(s).. OVFault[npc] Error occurred while parsing the proposition: (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC @F)) Derived both TRUE and FALSE for the proposition|P#|(MEMBER-OF FOREST (SETOF BATTLEFIELD /PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FOREST))'.
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
Clash occurred in the world |WLD|36' in module|MDL|/PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FINDINGS_MODULE_1'.
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE ?NPC F)'
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Expected 1' argument(s).. Error occurred while parsing the proposition: trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC @F)) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
(NPCZONE ?NPC F)' Expected1' argument(s)..
tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE ?NPC B)'
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Expected 1' argument(s).. Error occurred while parsing the proposition: (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC @B)) trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
(NPCZONE ?NPC B)' ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) Expected1' argument(s)..
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )(NPCZONE ?NPC F)'
Expected 1' argument(s).. trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] Error occurred while parsing the proposition: ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC @F)) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
(NPCZONE ?NPC F)' Expected1' argument(s)..
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition(NPCZONE ?NPC B)'
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Expected 1' argument(s).. Error occurred while parsing the proposition: trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC @B)) ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
(NPCZONE ?NPC B)' tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] Expected1' argument(s)..
ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:
Evaluate context nodes with the possibility of use reference uncertain nodes
TrySimpleEvaluationOfPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
ERROR: Too many' arguments in the proposition ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) )(NPCZONE ?NPC B)'
Expected 1' argument(s).. trySearchStrategyForPossibleReferenceUncertainNodes: [( z = NPCZone(npc) )] Error occurred while parsing the proposition: ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) (KAPPA ((ISA ?NPC @NPC_LABEL)) (NPCZONE ?NPC @B)) ERROR: Toomany' arguments in the proposition
tryUncertainReferenceStrategy [( z = NPCZone(npc) )]
(NPCZONE ?NPC B)' ContextNode: ( z = NPCZone(npc) ) Expected1' argument(s)..
Error occurred while parsing the proposition:

Kind regards