
Issue on reusing an MEBN network

Ovidiu S.
  • Ovidiu S.

    Ovidiu S. - 2015-08-20

    We are using the mebn plugin and the class TextModeRunner to retrieve the Probabilistic Network from a MEBN and an associated KnowledgeBase:

    ProbabilisticNetwork probabilisticNetwork = mTxtUnbbayes.callLaskeyAlgorithm(mNetwork, mKnowledgeBase, Collections.singletonList(args));

    Now, the interesting part is that this works fine on the first call, but does not work on any future calls with the same parameters. What do I mean by this is that:
    1. The name of all the nodes in the probabilistic network change from getFeedbackEpaPITT_UU_EPA1_TT_UU_PI2 which is correct, on the first iteration, to getFeedbackEpaPITT_UU_EPA1_/PL-KERNEL-KB/PL-USER/GENERATIVE_MODULE_1/FINDINGS_MODULE_1/TT_UU_PI2
    2. node.getEvidence() is null on the second iteration and we would like to use this information

    Maybe the MEBN network or the knowledge base is not meant to be reused (we would like to reuse it as much as possible) or the problem lies somewhere else.

    Unfortunately, I cannot provide you the full source code as this is part of a more complex project (not yet open source).

    Could you please give me a clue where to go next?

  • Laecio Lima dos Santos


    sorry for the late reply.

    I tried to reproduce the situation, but without success. You are working with the PowerLoom knowledge base between one call and another? If possible, you can give me at least a sample of the code between one call and other? If you prefer, you can use the class TextModeRunnerTest to reproduce the bug. We will try to work to fix it.


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