I'm working with huawei e1750 kubuntu 09.4 -64 umtsmon 0.9.70

Knetwork manager see an e620 modem, not connect, actually i'm connected with kppp (knetwork manager killed)
I want use umtsmon…someone can help me?

    Bus 002 Device 006: ID 12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E620 USB Modem       
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04f2:b023 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd                       
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub                      
    Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub                      
    Bus 006 Device 002: ID 08ff:2580 AuthenTec, Inc. AES2501 Fingerprint Sensor         
    Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub                      
    Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub                      
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub                      
    Bus 004 Device 002: ID 056a:0062 Wacom Co., Ltd                                     
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub                      
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub                      
    adri@adri-note:~$ umtsmon -v5                                                       
    umtsmon version 0.9.70 .                                                            
    ##P1 t=935: setVerbosity: '5'                                                       
    ##P2 t=935: set verbosity level to 5                                                
    ##P2 t=935: set PPP verbosity level to 2                                            
    installing text SIGABRT handler                                                     
    ##P5 t=935: TheSettingsSingleton::TheSettingsSingleton()                            
    ##P2 t=935: Settings will be saved in : '/home/adri/.umtsmon'                       
    ##P3 t=935: No locale suggestion found in config file                               
    ##P4 t=935: loadTranslator('qt', 'it_IT.UTF-8')                                     
    ##P5 t=935: Translation filename: 'qt_it_IT.UTF-8'                                  
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for qt_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in .                                 
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for qt_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in i18n                              
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for qt_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in /usr/local/share/qt/translations  
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for qt_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in /usr/share/qt/translations        
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for qt_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in /usr/lib/qt3/translations         
    ##P5 t=935:  … NOT FOUND                                                          
    ##P4 t=935: loadTranslator('umtsmon', 'it_IT.UTF-8')                                
    ##P5 t=935: Translation filename: 'umtsmon_it_IT.UTF-8'                             
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for umtsmon_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in .                            
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for umtsmon_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in i18n                         
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for umtsmon_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in /usr/local/share/umtsmon/translations                                                                             
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for umtsmon_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in /usr/share/umtsmon/translations                                                                                   
    ##P5 t=935:  . searching for umtsmon_it_IT.UTF-8.qm in /usr/lib/qt3/translations    
    ##P5 t=935:  … NOT FOUND                                                          
    ##P5 t=935: Running on the default (en_US) locale                                   
    ##P2 t=935: Warning with Memory Name: WelcomeMsg, Message: Welcome to umtsmon.      
    ##P3 t=942: ObserverManager COPY constructor                                        
    ##P4 t=942: DummyConnection::DummyConnection(void)                                  
    ##P5 t=942: ***startUpdateTimer                                                     
    ##P5 t=942: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()                                         
    ##P5 t=942: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::TheDeviceManagerSingleton()                  
    ##P5 t=942: Runner::findBinaries()                                                  
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(pccardctl)                                              
    ##P5 t=942:   * found /sbin/pccardctl                                               
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(pppd)                                                   
    ##P5 t=942:   * found /usr/sbin/pppd                                                
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(chat)                                                   
    ##P5 t=942:   * found /usr/sbin/chat                                                
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(kdesu)                                                  
    ##P5 t=942:   *** searching kdesu really failed :-(                                 
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(gnomesu)                                                
    ##P5 t=942:   *** searching gnomesu really failed :-(                               
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(gksu)                                                   
    ##P5 t=942:   * found /usr/bin/gksu                                                 
    ##P5 t=942: lookThroughPath(usb_modeswitch)                                         
    ##P5 t=942:   * found /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch                                      
    ##P5 t=942: Runner::findBinaries() completed successfully                           
    ##P3 t=942: Device creation for type 0x00000001 requested                           
    ##P5 t=942: mainwindow::updateNetworkData()                                         
    ##P2 t=942: Profile::Profile('')                                                    
    ##P2 t=942:   finally created profile for 'Default'                                 
    ##P5 t=942: ObserverManager::attach(0x22db410)                                      
    ##P2 t=942: UIState::newConnectionState(0) callback called                          
    ##P2 t=945: ***UIState::update(void), state=0                                       
    ##P2 t=945:                                                                         
    UIState::setState(0 -> 1)
    ##P3 t=945: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::setupDevice(void)
    ##P3 t=945: TheDeviceManagerSingleton::readFromConfigFile()
    ##P4 t=945: read PPP port from config: ''.                
    ##P1 t=945: Stored device configuration incomplete, reverting to autodetection
    ##P3 t=945: Start iterating through all AutoDetectors                        
    ##P4 t=945: Kernel: 'Linux version 2.6.28-3-rt (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Ubuntu 4.3.3-5ubuntu4) ) #12-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Fri Apr 17 10:09:12 UTC 2009'     
    ##P2 t=945: Force Autodetection enabled - skipping device instantiation from supplied values                                                                             
    ##P3 t=945:  Let's continue with the next AutoDetector                              
    ##P3 t=945: AutoDetectBase::go() for 'USB ZeroCD Autodetection'
    ##P3 t=945:  AutoDetect_USB::traverseTrees()                  
    ##P4 t=945:   Checking USB device on 002:006                  
    ##P3 t=945:  AutoDetect_USB::matchIDs(0x12d1, 0x1001)         
    ##P3 t=945: This is a known ZeroCD Device: "Huawei E169G"     
    ##P3 t=945:  AutoDetect_USB_ZeroCD::findPortNames()           
    ##P3 t=945:  AutoDetect_USB::findPortNames()                  
    ##P4 t=945: looking for ttyUSB ports                          
    ##P4 t=945:   Found serial port number 1 with name 'ttyUSB0'  
    ##P4 t=945:   Found serial port number 2 with name 'ttyUSB1'
    ##P4 t=945:   Found serial port number 3 with name 'ttyUSB2'
    ##P4 t=945:   Found serial port number 4 with name 'ttyUSB3'
    ##P4 t=945:   Found serial port number 5 with name 'ttyUSB4'
    ##P3 t=945: INFO: 'There are 5 ports available'
    ##P3 t=945:  AutoDetectBase::createDevice() for CardType 0x00000000
    umtsmon: src/controller/AutoDetect.cpp:38: virtual Device* AutoDetectBase::createDevice(): Asserzione 'theDeviceID' fallita.
      *** umtsmon version 0.9.70 closed due to an unrecoverable program error.
      *** Please e-mail all of the above output to umtsmon-develop@lists.sourceforge.net,
      *** Or go to the umtsmon website and file a bug.