
#196 Crash report/issues for V7

Terry Wall

Installed V7 on a Dell XPS L702X Laptop.
Intel i7-2670-QM @ 2.2GHz 6GB RAM Toshiba 450GB Hard drive with 319GB free
Running Win7 64 bit SP1.

1: 3 crashes on launch after install. On fourth attempt program ran (slowly)
Crash usually occurred after 70% in analyzing stage.

2: GUI flickers between columns on drive letter/progress header during processing.

3: No active file processing activity shown (No colored blocks on drive map, all green) during and after processing.

4: On completion, drive letter of processed drive disappears from GUI list.


  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2013-08-04

    We are aware of the crashes with the latest releases and are currently looking for a solution.

    Sorry that things are going slow.


  • Stefan Pendl

    Stefan Pendl - 2013-08-04
    • status: unread --> open
  • Terry Wall

    Terry Wall - 2013-08-04

    No worries. Just letting you know so you know what all is out of whack. I appreciate your work and efforts.

  • Michael Wolfe

    Michael Wolfe - 2013-10-26

    Hello Ultra Defrag Team:

    You may already have plenty of testing scenarios, but I figured I'd go on and detail some steps that break the v7.0.0 Beta 1 GUI.

    This was Win7 Ult SP1 with plenty-of-plenty-of breathing room.

    Run the installer executable (AMD64) Setup [processor is AMD 64 bit].
    Run with the default selected components.
    Click the "Details" button.
    It seems to stop and the current line says "Disabling usage tracking..."
    The progress indicator stopped at approximately 66% for a minute or two as if waiting for something to happen that never does (timeout?).
    After a couple of minutes the installation proceeds until last line says "Completed"
    Click the "Finish" button, or just wait.
    The title bar in the installer dialog shows "Not responding."
    Navigate to \Program Files\UltraDefrag\crash-info.log and view but there is no report
    Installer eventually closes (without user intervention)
    Check crash-info.log after front-end terminated but still has no crash report
    Try it again...
    Click on Taskbar icon that was manually pinned there
    Short delay, v7.0.0 GUI starts ok.
    Click blue "Full Optimization" icon
    Brief delay, then "Not responding" in main dialog title bar
    Windows message something like "Ultra Defrag GUI crashed"
    After a short wait Windows gives up and kills the application.
    Subsequent OS message dialog suggests it will apply compatibility settings, so...
    Run again
    GUI appears on center of screen (nice visual improvements)
    Wait a couple of minutes letting it "settle with Windows."
    Click the "Full Optimization" icon on toolbar
    Fragmentation analysis begins updating Statics
    The GUI crashes, consistently, predictably by now

    Restart Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (warm boot).
    Do not start any desktop programs.
    Click the Ultra Defragmenter Taskbar icon.
    The User Account Control queries the user for permission to run from an unknown publisher.
    Click OK.
    The GUI appears and is centered on screen (nice appearance improvements so far).
    Clicked "Action" main menu item to see drop-down menu: OK.
    Moved the highlighted menu item up and down with mouse: OK
    Clicked "Full Optimization" icon on toolbar
    Status ran up to "100.00%" and GUI crashed
    (There's some consistency at this point; when the analysis takes place the GUI breaks.)
    Problem signature (generated by Windows):
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: ultradefrag.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 519a4ac0
    Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.18247
    Fault Module Timestamp: 521eaf24
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0000000000053290
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 5030
    Additional Information 2: 5030ab0b9636f642c95a4a5cdffd8b40
    Additional Information 3: 9327
    Additional Information 4: 9327bba0570b69db0c030c4684c1f59d

    I've used Ultra Defrag on-and-off for several years. I enjoy the documentation and I'm enthusiastic you are continuing its development. The attached text file has better formatting.


  • Dmitri Arkhangelski


    Thanks for your feedback. We're trying to find out what's going on, but unfortunately cannot reproduce the crash on our testing machines.


  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    • status: open --> closed

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