Uix Kit is not a framework, just a UI toolkit based on some common libraries for building beautiful responsive website.
Uix Kit isn't a reusable component structure, mostly custom CSS and JavaScript based. Definitely interesting, and if you're developing mostly web content and not applications this is particularly useful. It is a web dev build tool/scaffold that does not depend on any framework. You can import any external libraries/frameworks or native ES Modules for production.
The generated core file in the dist directory can be used separately in any website. Support JS, HTML, and SASS component library automatically packaged. It is used to develop the full-static website (HTML templates or for dynamic language integration).
The demo depends on jQuery (you can completely rewrite the script if needed). And dist DOES NOT bundle any third-party script and style library, all libraries are loaded externally in the HTML file.
Source: https://github.com/xizon/uix-kit
- Not a reusable component structure
- Not a JavaScript framework
- It is used to build the full-static website (HTML templates or for dynamic language integration)
- Use any JavaScript libraries in your favorite way to build styles and animation scripts
- Suitable for developing Visual Interaction websites and WordPress templates
- W3C standard and SEO
- Control scope with BEM naming, so the core Uix Kit project is not in conflict with the other projects
- Automatically generate a table of contents for each module comment of the name
- Each module consists of SASS / SCSS, JavaScript and HTML files
- Embedded verification strategy for TypeScript and React. (Such scripts are embedded in the page, not the entire project)
- Compatible with Bootstrap 5.x (You could also remove Bootstrap's stylesheets)
- Provides a common web page components and layouts
- The complete directory of examples in order to develop a responsive website independently without Node.js dev environment
- The demo depends on jQuery (you can completely rewrite the script if needed)