
Not able to install UFRaw for GIMP on mac version 10.10 yosemite

  • S.R.

    S.R. - 2014-10-24

    Hi everyone,

    I am for some reason not able to use UFRaw on my computer. I downloaded GIMP from this website which several other websites told me should already have pre-installed UFRaw plug-in. (I am using a mac computer version 10.10 yosemite).

    When I open GIMP however, and I open a raw image for editing, nothing happens, and I am afraid that UFRaw is not installed for me, for some reason.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of a very simple installation of the UFRaw plug-in? There seem to be some very complex installations out there, and it seems you have to have a rather detailed computer knowledge just to install it...

    Can anyone help a newbie out?

    Thanks for reading.


  • Maurizio Loreti

    Maurizio Loreti - 2014-11-02

    Hello -
    I am a satisfied Mac user and an avid photographer; I use for the post-production of my pictures GIMP, namely the distribution (released by Simone Karin Lehmann) "GIMP on OS X", available under the URL . This distribution comes with a pre-compiled gimp-ufraw plugin; loading a RAW picture in GIMP is handled in this way. However "GIMP on OS X" lacks a standalone ufraw and ufraw-batch. Needing for my RAW pictures ufraw-batch, I compiled ufraw and ufraw-batch from the source code; however this is not completely described in your notes. Here is what I did.

    For the compiler, you need to install xcode (from the Apple Store, free) and the xcode command line tools; how to do that is described in a lot of places, Google will help.

    For the libraries, I have installed the ones supplied by the Macports projects: for jpeg, tiff, libpng, cfitsio and exiv2 support. How to install them is described in the Macports home page,

    The Macports libraries are compiled with clang and clang++ as C and C++ compilers; while clang and gcc are fully compatible, and their object files linkable together, clang++ and g++ use different name mangling schemes; so, if you want e.g. exiv2 support (exiv2 is a C++ package) you need to change the default compilers. So, finally, I unpacked, configured, compiled and installed ufraw/ufraw-batch with the following commands:

    tar xzf ufraw-0.20.tar.gz
    cd ufraw-0.20/
    CC=clang CXX=clang++ CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib \
        ./configure --prefix=/opt/local/share/ufraw-0.20
    sudo make install
    sudo ln -s /opt/local/share/ufraw-0.20 /opt/local/share/ufraw
    ln -s /opt/local/share/ufraw/bin/ufraw ~/Applications/ufraw
    ln -s /opt/local/share/ufraw/bin/ufraw-batch ~/Applications/ufraw-batch
    ln -s /opt/local/share/ufraw/share/man/man1/ufraw.1 ~/man/man1/ufraw.1

    Macports include files are in /opt/local/include .
    Macports libraries are in /opt/local/lib .
    I installed ufraw in /opt/local/share/ufraw-0.20 , a directory soft-linked to /opt/local/share/ufraw ; when a new release will come, say 0.21, it will be enough to install it in /opt/local/share/ufraw-0.21 and, then, change the soft link.
    The executables ufraw and ufraw-batch are soft-linked to ~/Applications, where OS X expects to find user executables.
    I have created ~/man/... for personal man files, and linked there ufraw.1, in order to have the output of "man ufraw"

  • tplano

    tplano - 2014-11-09

    Hello - I'm having the same issue , I followed Maurizio's steps above. However, when I run ufraw i get the following error :

    (ufraw:3543): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

    I'm new to Mac and ive spent half my day trying to get ufraw to work and still no success. I have gimp installed from sourceforge and ufraw from macports.

    Thank You


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