
#411 Ufraw defaults to wrong output size.


A while back I changed the output size of my image in the interface, and now ufraw always the output image to a size of 1360 pixels. I can change it manually in ufraw, or in ufrawrc, and the change works for one shot, but after that, it reverts to the 1360. I don't see where that is coming from in the interface or ufrawrc.




  • Peter Sütterlin

    Indeed, I just noticed this, too: When the .ufrawrc file is updated, a wrong value (4) gets written for the 'Shrink' parameter.
    My suspicion is that The value is coming from the preview window, as by default (for me) it displays at 25%, plus I see this in the source:
    ufraw_preview.c: // Set shrink/size values for preview rendering
    ufraw_preview.c: CFG->shrink = zoom_to_scale(CFG->Zoom);

    whereas in the config section there is
    ufraw_conf.c: if (c->shrink != conf_default.shrink)
    ufraw_conf.c: buf = uf_markup_buf(buf, "<Shrink>%d</Shrink>\n", c->shrink);

    Only a guess, but maybe a starting point for the gurus?

    • stovepipe

      stovepipe - 2017-07-31

      Good "guess" I think! Commenting out just the zoom_to_scale() line seems to fix it.

  • Peter Sütterlin

    Just to confirm this, if I set the preview size to scale 1/3, a value of 3 get written into the 'Shrink' config entry. Looks like the display scaling and the output scaling have been mixed up (the version I had used before, and didn't show this error, was checked out from cvs March 2016)

  • Klaus Lichtenwalder

    This is just a metoo... It does get set erratically back to 3 or 4, and if you don't pay attention you're wondering why the image is so bad... Until you realize, it's 1200x900...

  • john_k_h

    john_k_h - 2017-05-27

    I fixed this for myself by building libraw and poppler-0.26.5. The LibRaw was from git somewhere. I happened upon this fix by starting ufraw in a console / window / shell. It threw some messages about missing files (I'm guessing the LibRaw and I'm pretty sure about poppler.) I've not had a problem since.



  • Peter Sütterlin

    Somewhat weird. poppler is for PDF, and ufraw uses dcraw. Neither libraw nor libpoppler are used by ufraw - at least not the version I compile from CVS source....

  • john_k_h

    john_k_h - 2017-05-28

    I would hazard that the problem comes from an interaction between ( LibRaw or poppler ) and another unknown required library that is also compiled for ufraw. Who really knows? It's working for me now.



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