
UFO:Alien Invasion / News: Recent posts

UFO:Alien Invasion: 2.4 released

The UFO: Alien Invasion development team is proud to announce the release of '''UFO:Alien Invasion version 2.4'''.

With more than a dozen new maps and dramatic speed improvements behind the scenes, 2.4 is a major step forward in our quest to build a fully free and open source tactical squad shooter and earth survival strategy game.

Here are just a few of the changes in 2.4:

  • A dozen new maps to battle aliens
  • Rescue soldiers in dropships shot down by aliens and retreat from battles
  • New particle and sound effects for weapons
  • Support for smoke and incendiary effects
  • New skirmish options to save squads and respawn aliens
  • Battlescape render speed dramatically improved... read more
Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2012-04-25

UFO:Alien Invasion: 2.3.1 released

UFO: Alien Invasion has released 2.3.1. This release is a bug fix for the
stable 2.3 release and maintains compatibility for all saved games under
2.3. It includes dozens of fixes to small bugs throughout the game.

A few of the highlights:

  • Reaction fire now working properly.
  • Several map adjustments fix inaccessible portions of Harvester UFOs and
    bad alignment of dropships.
  • Fixes to the fuel bug where Phalanx craft would erroneously report out
    of fuel errors.
  • Interceptor radar now cleaned on landing so previously detected UFOs
    appear on next flight.
  • Several UI bugs squashed.
  • Sound and music problems fixed.
  • Fixes savegames with "Base ON RED ALERT" bug.
  • Fixes dropship transfers if the destination base does not have enough
    living quarters space.
  • Fixes UTF-8 character encoding problems which could lead to corrupted
    saves in non-latin languages.
  • Faulty missions where UFOs disappeared are now working properly.
  • Soldiers en route to a mission can no longer take part in base defense.... read more
Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2010-11-29

UFO:Alien Invasion: 2.3 released

A few highlights of what's new in version 2.3:
* Complete overhaul of the campaign system, so that alien activity
changes depending on the player's actions
* New capabilities for the rendering engine, including bumpmapping,
specular lighting, glowmapping, flare support, texture blending and more
* A new tactical overhead map
* Alien bases have been added and the player can mount an assault on them
* Support for crashed UFO missions
* Overhauls of the map editor
* Loads of new maps and new tiles for existing maps that are randomly
* New weapons
* New music and sound effects
* And loads of behind-the-scenes optimizations and tweaks for everything
from the pathfinding to the user interface... read more

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2010-06-18

UFO:Alien Invasion: 2.2.1 released

It is the year 2084. You control a secret organisation charged with defending Earth from a brutal alien enemy. Build up your bases, prepare your team, and dive head-first into the fast and flowing turn-based combat.

The UFO:AI development team is proud to announce the release of UFO:Alien Invasion Version 2.2.1 - This is a bugfix release for the 2.2 version.

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2008-04-29

UFO:Alien Invasion: 2.2 released

It is the year 2084. You control a secret organisation charged with defending Earth from a brutal alien enemy. Build up your bases, prepare your team, and dive head-first into the fast and flowing turn-based combat.

The UFO:AI development team is proud to announce the release of UFO:Alien Invasion Version 2.2

We worked hard on this new stunning version for more than half a year. Now it's here for you to play it. Have a lot of fun. A full changelog can be found on our homepage.

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2008-01-15

UFO:Alien Invasion 2.1.1 released

The UFO:AI development team is proud to announce the release of UFO:Alien Invasion Version 2.1.1.


* Added missing scrolling for Buy/Sell menu.
* Enhanced buytypes for items and aircraft and fixed multiple buytypes problem.
* Removed not used UGVs which sometimes could produce crash.
* Fixed music definitions for missions.
* Several bugfixes and enhancements to make usage of Reaction-fire more stable/usable.
* Fixed multiplayer gametype definitions.
* Fixed integrated IRC client behaviour, including sending messages to the channel.
* Various fixes related to aircraft selling.
* Moving inventory between containers now removes moved inventory as well.
* Grenade trajectory now turns to red on obstacles.
* Various mapfixes.... read more

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2007-05-01

UFO:Alien Invasion 2.1 released

The UFO:AI development team is proud to announce the release of UFO:Alien Invasion Version 2.1. This version features many great improvements over 2.0 and tons of new content, such as new aliens, new weapons, new maps, new base facilities, new research options and better multiplayer support. Many of the bugs that plagued version 2.0 have been eliminated.

As the main task in 2.1, the UFOpaedia has been filled and expanded with hundreds of new and detailed texts containing full equipment descriptions, the history of the world since 2007, more information about the start of the invasion, and tons of other background flavour. The research system and UFOpaedia display have been overhauled to take full advantage of the new texts.... read more

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2007-04-01

News - News - News

  • UFO:AI gamepack and plugin are now officially part of GTKRadiant
  • We made a lot of progress with currrent trunk version (though a little unstable here and there atm)
  • two new alienraces in the game
  • a lot of great new music tracks
  • some new maps

But the most important is:
We are still searching for coders, mappers and texture artists. If you would like to join the project, head over to and let us know - or even better, join our irc channel at #ufo:ai ... read more

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2007-02-14

UFO:Alien Invasion 2.0-RC6 released

The 6th Release Candidate of 2.0 has been released - which will hopefully be the final version of our 2.0 tree.

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2006-11-15

UFO:Alien Invasion 2.0-RC5 released

The 5th Release Candidate of 2.0 has been released.

Read the release notes:

Download the release:

Some time has passed already since RC5 was released, but we forgot to post a news entry ... so here you go.... read more

Posted by Werner Höhrer 2006-10-11

Wiki for UFO:AI

We are proud to announce the birth of the UFO:AI wiki.
There is already a lot of stuff included but as in every wiki we need your help to keep it up to date and to include even more stuff. If you are a translator or any other contributor you might already find some interesting stuff - if you can't find what you are looking for, contact us via the forum at

The wiki is located at

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2006-05-31

Switched over to SVN

Today we switched over to the newly available SVN-service structure of

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2006-03-02

New UFO:AI version of GTKRadiant

The UFO:AI version of GTKRadiant is available as a new release. Now featuring the filtering of each level and the stepon-flags. Give it a try and submit your maps.
Btw. we are searching someone who is able to build a windows-release for us.

Posted by Martin Gerhardy 2006-02-06