Activity for udt

  • Wu-longcheng Wu-longcheng posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • Wu-longcheng Wu-longcheng posted a comment on discussion Help

    Very strange question

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus created ticket #14

    Where is the development since 2013?

  • Neustradamus Neustradamus posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear @udt team, @lilyco, @ baccaharis, @ctchrinthry, @rlg128, dear all, I search any update since 2013: - Can you help me? Thanks in advance. Regards

  • aakash bhagat aakash bhagat posted a comment on discussion Help

    I figured out something here, when i connected to my broadband connection then i got 1001 error code but it is working fine on my mobile hotspot it is strange because other service like WebRTC based UDP p2p connection established on my broadband network but UDT fails always

  • Bob Eldering Bob Eldering created merge request #6

    Remove the update of the last response time when sending out a heart-beat.

  • aakash bhagat aakash bhagat posted a comment on discussion Help

    all the functionality working fine but some times UDT::connect() returns 1001 error code and "connection timeout" message once the connection established then transfer working fine any idea how to handle 1001 error

  • Medusa Medusa posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    were you able to fix the slow speed issue?

  • Medusa Medusa posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    Did you find a solution? I also have slow speed over UDT?

  • Medusa Medusa posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm having the same issue, did you figure it out?

  • Medusa Medusa posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm having the same issue, did you figure it out?

  • John Marinuzzi John Marinuzzi posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have been trying to go through all of the threads on this topic, but having no luck. I have a server set up, with a connection thread listening for new connections. So the thread enters the accept call and just stays there. When the program terminates, and I try to delete the thread, it will not delete because accept is still blocking it. I have seen references to non-blocking sockets, but cannot figure how to set that up. Any suggestions? Thank you.

  • tom zhou tom zhou posted a comment on discussion Help

    the timer resolution is diff between linux and windows. UDT originally is designed for long distance BDP transfer with jumber packet. Below is an optimizing version for desktop/cloud env. Best regards tom zhou On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 9:50 AM Gwyn Roberts wrote: Has anyone experienced (and hopefully resolved) slow transfer rates when the receiver is running on Linux? With other factors (machine specs, network bandwidth)...

  • Gwyn Roberts Gwyn Roberts posted a comment on discussion Help

    Has anyone experienced (and hopefully resolved) slow transfer rates when the receiver is running on Linux? With other factors (machine specs, network bandwidth) as similar as possible, I get double the transfer rate when sending to a Windows machine versus a Linux machine.

  • Gwyn Roberts Gwyn Roberts posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am testing UDT and TCP transfer rates over ethernet and wifi. With the client connected by cable, I get send and recv rates of around 70 Mbps for TCP and UDT. Over wifi, the UDT recv rate drops to around 5 Mbps, even though the UDP send rate remains at 70, and TCP send and recv also stay around 70. Is there some limitation of UDT when receiving over wifi? Is there some way to tune the performance for wifi?

  • Rahul jain Rahul jain posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, UDT IS MEANT FOR HIGH SPEED NETWORK i.e if you want to transfer file of 1gb in 10g network or it should be at least 1g network ... Small size bandwidth are not taken into consideration for that tcp is fine hope this answers your question On Thu, May 14, 2020, 02:39 Vaibhav Malawade wrote: What kind of speed's are you getting ? I am comparing udt4 with scp on 2 linux machines - 1000 miles apart and for 10MB file UDT gives me 8Mbits but scp gives 24Mbits (including...

  • Vaibhav Malawade Vaibhav Malawade posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What kind of speed's are you getting ? I am comparing udt4 with scp on 2 linux machines - 1000 miles apart and for 10MB file UDT gives me 8Mbits but scp gives 24Mbits (including ssh handshake) Appreciate help, if I am missing something obious

  • v.maheswara prathap v.maheswara prathap posted a comment on discussion Help

    i.m new to network programming, i want to buil an UDT GUI application that works on windows as like in this video . please somebody help me to achive the same , i just need step wise procedurre to achieve end application..

  • v.maheswara prathap v.maheswara prathap posted a comment on discussion Help

    jonas and sameer bro, i'm also trying the same project and having the same problem . did you find the steps to achive the same GUI application as showed in the youtube video ?? if so please help me .. im doing this as my individual project in my pg course.

  • v.maheswara prathap v.maheswara prathap posted a comment on discussion Help

    sameer bro, i'm also trying the same projct and having the same problem . did you find the steps to achive the same GUI application as showed in the youtube video ?? if so please help me .. im doing this as my individual project in my pg course.

  • Attila Mark Attila Mark posted a comment on discussion Help

    Aspera Fasp is not free and it's limited to 400MB/s. If you want really high bandwidth file transfer that actually scales there is only one:

  • Daniel Martin Daniel Martin posted a comment on discussion Help

    By bulk data, you mean bulk number of files? I use 3rd party file copying softwares for that such as GS Rich Copy 360 or Tera Copy or Robo great. Give it a try!

  • xiaoyaoking xiaoyaoking posted a comment on discussion Help

    Cryptographic algorithms have been replaced. Yes, I can.

  • xiaoyaoking xiaoyaoking posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • xiaoyaoking xiaoyaoking posted a comment on discussion Help

    Test a project today, if the contents of the UDT is encrypted after rsa, the client can only receive dozens of bytes, can not receive the complete data. All the great gods please enlighten me. Thank you

  • xiaoyaoking xiaoyaoking posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    今天测试一个项目,如果UDT发送的内容是经过rsa加密的话,客户端只能接收几十字节,无法接收完整数据。 各位大神请赐教。先谢过。

  • Soumyadip Soumyadip posted a comment on discussion Help

    Has any one tried UDT on 10G links using FCOE emulex cards on host machines?? As per my experimentation it performs worsely in 10G compared to 1G

  • Soumyadip Soumyadip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Has any one tried UDT on 10G links using FCOE emulex cards on host machines?? As per my experimentation it performs worsely in 10G compared to 1G

  • xiaoyaoking xiaoyaoking posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • Micah Boswell Micah Boswell posted a comment on ticket #39

    udt can be compiled directly on ARM, but cross-compile does not work because the architecture detection used for enabling the optimization code only takes the architecture of the build platform into consideration. The configuration should be fixed such that the target architecture can be specified and the build machine architecture is only used as a default.

  • Timothy Prime Timothy Prime modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have contrived a test program that connects up a pair of UDTSOCKETs. Asynchronous (nonblocking) SOCK_DGRAM. And I create an epoll ID and add my reader to it. When this pair are first connected together, epoll_wait() behaves correctly. I write a message (or several messages) then back off. epoll_wait() correctly reports my socket as readable until the recieve buffer is drained. Then epoll_wait() gets stuck, falsely reporting a readable socket. I continue to call recvmsg() which fails with EASYNCRCV....

  • Timothy Prime Timothy Prime posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have contrived a test program that connects up a pair of UDTSOCKETs. Asynchronous (nonblocking) SOCK_DGRAM. And I create an epoll ID and add my reader to it. When this pair are first connected together, epoll_wait() behaves correctly. I write a message (or several messages) then back off. epoll_wait() correctly reports my socket as readable until the recieve buffer is drained. Then epoll_wait() gets stuck, falsely reporting a readable socket. I continue to call recvmsg() which fails with EASYNCRCV....

  • Jude Jude posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Sameer, Below are the steps for creating a .Net dll from the code (

  • Timothy Prime Timothy Prime posted a comment on discussion Help

    I first noticed this in my application. Digging into the code, I see the test in CUDT::getOpt() is much simpler than that used in CUDTUnited::select(). So I switched to get my program working. Since then, I have looked into each of the two select variants and into epoll. They are all slightly different. This will make changes in this logic tricky. All places will be affected and it easy to forget. Initially, I would like to patch CUDT::getOpt() to have logic identicle to CUDT::addEPoll(). I would...

  • Soumyadip Soumyadip posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can anyone tell about the functionalities of CCUpdate??

  • Benjamin Chodroff Benjamin Chodroff posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have had a similar idea! You cannot directly use UDT because HTTP requires TCP,...

  • mike1ocean mike1ocean posted a comment on discussion Help

    I want to set up a connection between my pc and a http server (port 80). Is it feasible?...

  • mike1ocean mike1ocean posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    楼主想和http服务器的80端口建立一个udt连接,请问可行吗? 我目前写了一个demo但是报错:Connection setup failure: connection...

  • devinrao devinrao modified a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    Hi 谷博士&&ALL, 最近在测试UDT相关性能,发现在一定丢包率环境下,UDT带宽利用率下降很剧烈,下来是相关的测试数据,测试环境都是在局域网下, 使用的是UDT自带的appclient+appserver工具。...

  • devinrao devinrao posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • devinrao devinrao modified a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    Hi 谷博士&&ALL, 最近在测试UDT相关性能,发现在一定丢包率环境下,UDT带宽利用率下降很剧烈,下来是相关的测试数据,测试环境都是在局域网下, 使用的是UDT自带的appclient+appserver工具。...

  • devinrao devinrao modified a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    Hi 谷博士&&ALL, 最近在测试UDT相关性能,发现在一定丢包率环境下,UDT带宽利用率下降很剧烈,下来是相关的测试数据,测试环境都是在局域网下, 使用的是UDT自带的appclient+appserver工具。...

  • devinrao devinrao posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    Hi 谷博士&&ALL, 最近在测试UDT相关性能,发现在一定丢包率环境下,UDT带宽利用率下降很剧烈,下来是相关的测试数据,测试环境都是在局域网下, 使用的是UDT自带的appclient+appserver工具。...

  • codeforge codeforge posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, i'm trying to use udt library on Android Studio, so i download barchart udt jar...

  • codeforge codeforge posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, i'm trying to use udt library on Android Studio, so i download barchart udt jar...

  • codeforge codeforge posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, i'm using windows 10 + codeblocks + mingw but i cannot know how to build udt....

  • Timothy Prime Timothy Prime posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have an application with long lived connections with regular bursts of data every...

  • Shoaib Rafique Shoaib Rafique posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I needed to make some file transfers between distant machines. I used UDT4 sendfile...

  • Hamidreza Anvari Hamidreza Anvari posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am usign the "UDT_SNDDATA" option in UDT::getsockopt, as in following command,...

  • Sameer Sakhare Sameer Sakhare posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Timothy, Can you please guide me how to complie the source code, from scratch...

  • Sameer Sakhare Sameer Sakhare posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Jonas I am also looking for the same. considering this post of 2009. you might...

  • Sameer Sakhare Sameer Sakhare posted a comment on discussion Help

    My Background : i am a Windows web app developer, thus have very little(or no) knowledge...

  • charles-at-nextdrive charles-at-nextdrive posted a comment on discussion Help

    Greetings, We have an application which utilizes udt4 library as part of network...

  • bianbian bianbian posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • bianbian bianbian modified a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    各位打扰了, 我参照sendfile.cpp,recvfile.cpp的例程来实现文件传输(用的是UDT 4.11版本)。 在低速环境中(0.6mbps),我使用了cc里的限速CCC,并setRate(0.6)...

  • bianbian bianbian modified a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    各位打扰了, 我参照sendfile.cpp,recvfile.cpp的例程来实现文件传输。 在低速环境中(0.6mbps),我使用了cc里的限速CCC,并setRate(0.6)...

  • bianbian bianbian posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    各位打扰了, 我参照sendfile.cpp,recvfile.cpp的例程来实现文件传输。 在低速环境中(0.6mbps),我使用了cc里的限速CCC,并setRate(0.6)...

  • Christian Saether Christian Saether posted a comment on discussion Help

    The system I am running on is limiting the underlying socket receive buffer size....

  • Christian Saether Christian Saether modified a comment on discussion Help

    On a simple arch-linux, running in a VirtualBox VM, trying the appserver and appclient...

  • Christian Saether Christian Saether posted a comment on discussion Help

    On a simple arch-linux, running in a VirtualBox VM, trying the appserver and appclient...

  • Jonas Lear Jonas Lear modified a comment on discussion Help

    I apologize in advance, I am total noob when it comes to compiling and these types...

  • Jonas Lear Jonas Lear posted a comment on discussion Help

    I apologize in advance, I am total noob when it comes to compiling and these types...

  • Michal Holič Michal Holič posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What happened to the standardization of UDT? All I see is an expired draft

  • Matias Sequeira Matias Sequeira posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I'm new with this and i'm trying to do a work for the university. I'm making...

  • Matias Sequeira Matias Sequeira posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I'm new with this and i'm trying to do a work for the university. I'm making...

  • Mark Mark posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    這次的坑阿 我們也遇到 crash到發瘋

  • Mark Mark posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • Mark Mark posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    就是MTU, UDT MTU預設為1492在一般網路是OK,但在ADSL的環境下封包完全被丟掉,更改UDT_MTU=1400可以解掉此問題。

  • Hamidreza Anvari Hamidreza Anvari posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am writing a program using UDT sockets. I created socket with default settings...

  • udt_cys udt_cys posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    可以在客户端把mtu设置的小一点试一下 如1400

  • Terry Terry posted a comment on discussion Help

    edit: removed loss detection conditions. Forces process data to always insert received...

  • wqyuwss wqyuwss posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    找到了,是用setsockoption设置的,不过即使改成linux缺省的212992 (乘以MSS,1500),结果好像还是一样。需要再试试看

  • wqyuwss wqyuwss posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛

    是指的buffer.h中的CSndBuffer, CRcvBuffer么? CSndBuffer(int size = 32, int mss = 1500);...

  • wqyuwss wqyuwss posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear all, I'm comparing file uploading perfomrance btw TCP and UDT. Here is bandwidth...

  • Terry Terry modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I would like to inquire the portion of the UDT library i should edit and what...

  • Terry Terry modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I would like to inquire the (1)location of the UDT library i should edit and...

  • Terry Terry posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I would like to inquire the (1)location of the UDT library i should edit and...

  • tom zhou tom zhou posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    appreciate this fix. I really struggle on it many days.

  • Johannes Rudolph Johannes Rudolph posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    We have also observed this problem which can lead to a complete deadlock of the whole...

  • Em One Em One modified a comment on discussion Help

    I think I found it: when the connection times out, it does not get removed from the...

  • Em One Em One modified a comment on discussion Help

    I think I found it: when the connection times out, it does not get removed from the...

  • Em One Em One posted a comment on discussion Help

    I think I found it: when the connection times out, it does not get removed from the...

  • Abhi Abhi posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi cheok, I am trying to do the same. Looks like that UDP underperforms than TCP...

  • Abhi Abhi posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am trying to implement a solution using UDT. Are there any attributes that can...

  • aj3423 aj3423 posted a comment on discussion Help

    Same problem with latest version 4.11

  • Will Wu Will Wu posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • Oleh Borysevych Oleh Borysevych posted a comment on ticket #36

    Hi. We have exactly the same call stack in our crash dump. udt is compiled for Windows...

  • Ibrahim Mansour Ibrahim Mansour created ticket #13

    Configure UDT

  • Sreekant Sreedharan Sreekant Sreedharan created ticket #12

    Suggestions for improvements in the API

  • Sreekant Sreedharan Sreekant Sreedharan posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I had a few suggestions for improvements to the API. I was hoping you would consider...

  • badnoodle badnoodle posted a comment on discussion Help

    look at the follow codes, if a eid has multi usocks, when I call epoll_remove_usock...

  • Olga Olga posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have the same problem. How have you resolved it?

  • SSF Developer SSF Developer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everyone, We were inspired by this library and we tried to make it compliant with...

  • Duy Duy modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have the same problem. This is my test case which will cause access violation like...

  • Duy Duy modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have the same problem. This is my test case which will cause access violation like...

  • Duy Duy posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have the same problem. This is my test case which will cause access violation like...

  • daily daily posted a comment on discussion 中文版论坛


  • zhangyuan zhangyuan posted a comment on ticket #14

    The udt verison is 4.10 with the patch for fix the bug: epoll_wait always return...

  • zhangyuan zhangyuan created ticket #14

    udt epoll for realtime pvp game is not good.

  • Marty Leisner Marty Leisner posted a comment on discussion Help

    The man page for udt4 at says: int bind(...

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