
Git Code Merge Request #57: Bump development version (rejected)



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Something went wrong. Please, merge manually

albfan wants to merge 1 commit from /u/albfan/ucanaccess/ to master, 2020-02-14

Flag master as 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT

One should create a ucanaccess-5 branch to work on 5.x.y releases. Indeed release 5.0.0 already exists without being tagged

Commit Date  
[e14365] (ucanaccess-6) by Alberto Fanjul Alberto Fanjul

Bump development version

2020-02-14 07:52:44 Tree


  • Marco Amadei

    Marco Amadei - 2020-02-14

    wrong interpretation

  • Marco Amadei

    Marco Amadei - 2020-02-14
    • Status: open --> rejected
  • albfan

    albfan - 2020-02-14

    Hi Marco, just looking to see the 5.0.0 branch and tag to push changes on top of it, so they land on 5.0.1 or 5.1.0 or whatever, if they are good to merge.


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