
Simple CASE expression incorrect when used with NULL

  • Mick Francis

    Mick Francis - 2019-05-07


    When the test expression in a simple (as opposed to searched) CASE expression has value NULL, the NULL branch is not used:

    create table ttt (cNull varchar(255));
    insert into ttt values(NULL);
    select CASE cNull WHEN NULL THEN 'b' ELSE 'a' END FROM ttt;
    | C1 |
    | a  |  INCORRECT!!!
    select CASE WHEN cNull IS NULL THEN 'b' ELSE cNull END FROM ttt;
    | C1 |
    | b  |  CORRECT

    Is the first form being considered as "CASE WHEN cNull=NULL THEN..."? This would obviously fail.

    Kind regards,


  • Gord Thompson

    Gord Thompson - 2019-05-07

    I am able to reproduce your issue directly in HSQLDB 2.3.1 and HSQLDB 2.4.1.

    try (Statement st = conn.createStatement()) {
        st.execute("CREATE TABLE ttt (id int PRIMARY KEY, cNull varchar(255))");
        st.execute("INSERT INTO ttt (id) VALUES (1)");
        String sql = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        sql = "select CASE cNull WHEN NULL THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM ttt";
        rs = st.executeQuery(sql);;
        System.out.println(rs.getInt(1));  // 1
        sql = "select CASE WHEN cNull IS NULL THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM ttt";
        rs = st.executeQuery(sql);;
        System.out.println(rs.getInt(1));  // 2

    However, I am also able to reproduce the issue using Microsoft SQL Server 2014:

    C:\Users\gord>sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -E -t 10
    1> use myDb
    2> go
    Changed database context to 'myDb'.
    1> CREATE TABLE ttt (id int PRIMARY KEY, cNull varchar(255));
    2> go
    1> INSERT INTO ttt (id) VALUES (1)
    2> go
    (1 rows affected)
    1> select CASE cNull WHEN NULL THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM ttt
    2> go
    (1 rows affected)
    1> select CASE WHEN cNull IS NULL THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM ttt
    2> go
    (1 rows affected)

    Thus, this issue is not specific to HSQLDB or UCanAccess.

  • Marco Amadei

    Marco Amadei - 2019-05-07

    It is not an issue    at all for me: null = null is   always false in sql

  • Mick Francis

    Mick Francis - 2019-05-07

    Thanks for investigating, Gord - my bad!


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