Ann - 2016-08-30

I'm trying to add textures to my 3D object and figured that putting the texture information on the IDTF file would be the easiest way and that the IDTF2U3D converter would take care of the rest. I followed the IDTF Format Description but somehow I get errors during the conversion, and I'm guessing it's because the IDTF file I created is invalid. I was hoping someone could explain/elaborate parts of the format description that are unclear to me.

  • In the texture resource, does the TEXTURE_PATH accept a normal filepath? E.g. "C:/Users/folder/file.jpg" ?

  • I understand that we use URL_COUNT and URL_LIST for external references. But how is the URL given? Just a normal webpage URL? Or does external mean a file in my computer (in which case URL is a filepath)?

  • Why are the texture coordinates VECTOR4? What is the 4th float number for? From my initial search, texture coordinates are just 1,2, or 3 dimensions. And if I use 2D images, the 3rd would just be 0 and ignored.

  • Which one is correct? MESH_FACE_TEXTURE_COORD_LIST or MESH_FACE_TEXTURE_LAYER_LIST? The former is used in the explanation part of the format description, but the latter was used in the sample.

Thank you very much!