
Fear, magic resistance, and game balance

  • Peter Mularien

    Peter Mularien - 2005-03-30

    Open discussion - once you get a high level character to later dungeon levels - it becomes almost boring/impossible to defeat certain monsters - your attack options are:

    weapon - if you don't have Bravery, the FearFactor + WP of some/most of the powerful monsters is so high that your chance of a successful attack without fear is _extremely_ low

    magic - the magic resistance of many high level monsters is so high that most spells, even the most powerful ones, do not do any damage

    I've found that with high-level characters, "fighting" high level monsters basically amounts to a ratio of somewhere around 300:1 weapon attacks before I can get one hit in (the rest, I am too afraid) - I don't even bother with magic, because in most cases it is ineffective.

    Any other opinions? I'm talking about dungeon levels 30+, when you start meeting the soul eaters, great demons, and the like.

    • Mike Anderson

      Mike Anderson - 2005-04-02

      This is great feedback to have regarding game balance. The tricky bit I have with game balance is that I don't personally havetime to play full games of Tyrant very often, so it's hard for me to guess exactly how powerful to make the mosters at each level.....

      We should perhaps tune down some of the monsters and/or increase the power of items that the player may be able to use to help them.

      It's a roguelike game of course, so there ought to be a "trick" for each type of monster. e.g. Drink potions to send you berserk when you meet something truly fearsome, or boost yourspeed to stop the really nasty foes from getting many hits in.

      Are missile attacks much use BTW?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-04-04

      I haven't been able to play the latest versions, but missile attacks used to be quite effective in v0.326. First and foremost, fear cannot prevent you from firing a missile. Then, even if you didn't have Archery, you could still hit from time to time. Enough to weaken or even kill an opponent before he could reach you. On the other hand, sometimes I just kept missing. Darn randomness :-)

    • davidsrsb

      davidsrsb - 2005-04-18

      I find that progress gets very slow around level 10. Far to much time spent killing chaos rats and bugs for little reward.

      Around level 18 progress is very fast. Spectres seem to be worth far too much. Then suddenly the fire and ice demons appear and they are too hard

    • Peter Mularien

      Peter Mularien - 2005-04-18

      Missile attacks work, but against the higher level monsters they do so little damage, it would take forever to kill one monster. I wonder whether a fear "resistance" could be built up as your character levels up, that is, tougher monsters are more frightening to lower level characters, but less frightening to higher level characters (since, presumably, the adventurer has "seen it all" by then).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sometimes I am stuck with an Orc shamen that does not hurt me, but my character cannot do enough damage to overcome its use of heal spell.
      The raikken also seems too strong, if I run to a village with one of these following it can wipe out the even the shopkeepers.


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