
#30 Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

v1.0 (example)
Phil Grigg

Using TuxGuitar 1.5.3 running on windows 10 with all current updates. I was trying to figure out how to create triplets, Got error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException. Clicked on OK and was able to continue.


Support Requests: #30


  • Phil Grigg

    Phil Grigg - 2020-05-02

    Julian, I'm getting your emails, so I thought I would put one of my replies here for all to see.

    The error has not reoccurred, and I cannot figure out how to make it happen again. The real issue (for me) is that triplets just don’t work right. Maybe if your team works on that, they will discover the error.
    UNLESS, when the error did occur that one time, if it did produce a log somewhere, I can send that to you?

  • Julian Casadesus

    ok, what exactl you mean with "triplets just don’t work right" can you show mi in a picture what are you trying to write in a tab?

    e.g, i attach you a litle triplet example.

    • Phil Grigg

      Phil Grigg - 2020-05-03


      Here is how I (TG) created this. For bar 1, I selected 1/4 note value. I Put 1 note in the bar. Selected the note and then selected 3 from the Triplet selection tool. TG added 5, 1/4 rests in the bar and put a triplet bar above all 6 notes. (rests are counted as note values). Then I added 2 more 1/4 notes. As I added notes, TG adjusted the rests, but left the triplet bar over all notes. So, after I had put in the three notes I wanted in the triplet, TG had left the triplet bar over the whole measure. Then I selected the first note, then clicked on the triplet icon. As you can see, TG did not include 3 1/4 notes in the triplet.

      For bar 2, I put in 4 1/4 notes, selected the first note, and selected 3 from the triplet icon. As you can see, what TG did was not what I expected. For bar 3, I put in 3 1/4 notes, selected the first one, and selected 3 from the triplet icon. Again, TG did not select 3 quarter notes for my triplet, which was what I wanted.

      What I wanted was three 1/4 notes as a triplet, which would take up 2 beats and leave me two more beats in the measure. Triplets can come in different note counts and note values. Shouldn’t TG give the user the ability to chose the notes to be included in the triplet, then use the music theory rules to make sure the user’s note choices will work? Here is a video of how I think of triplet, which is what I was trying to do in TG.

      Hope this helps.

      Thanks for your support. I do appreciate your efforts. I just wish I had done a better job of taking notes on that first error I reported.


      Sent from Mail for Windows 10

      From: Julian
      Sent: Saturday, May 2, 2020 10:43 PM
      To: [tuxguitar:support-requests]
      Subject: [tuxguitar:support-requests] #30 Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

      ok, what exactl you mean with "triplets just don’t work right" can you show mi in a picture what are you trying to write in a tab?

      e.g, i attach you a litle triplet example.

      [support-requests:#30] Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0 (example)
      Created: Fri May 01, 2020 08:12 PM UTC by Phil Grigg
      Last Updated: Sat May 02, 2020 10:24 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Using TuxGuitar 1.5.3 running on windows 10 with all current updates. I was trying to figure out how to create triplets, Got error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException. Clicked on OK and was able to continue.

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      Support Requests: #30

      • Julian Casadesus

        Is this attached image what you are trying to do?
        I think the problem is that you are adding notes first and then modifying its duration, while you should select a duration and then add notes

        If you add notes first and later modify it's duration tuxguitar will not shift left automatically next notes. it will fill empty space with rest instead.
        to shift left notes you'll need to press "Supr" button

        By other hand the triplet as part of duration is applied to selected beat, and next "empty" beats.. tuxguitar will not modify other existing notes duration of non selected beat

        • Phil Grigg

          Phil Grigg - 2020-05-04

          Hey Julian. YES. In it’s simplest form, that is what I’m trying to do. But I guess I just don’t know how to accomplish this with TG. And, If I wanted a quarter note, a [3, 1/8 notes] triplet, then two more quarter notes, I don’t know how to do that. I think It’s just me not understanding how to “make it happen” in TG.

          Here is a measure I started. I had an empty bar, selected 1/4 value, selected the string, and put in the 2. This is what TG did next. Now, what do I do next to reproduce your example.

          BTW. Why are you working on a Sunday? This could have waited until Monday. I do understand TG is still in BETA testing. And, then I am new to using a tab editor too.

          So far TG does everything I need, and I’m very excited to be trying this product out while it is still in BETA testing. I hope you take my input as “from a users perspective” and not as complaining.


          Sent from Mail for Windows 10

          From: Julian
          Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 5:21 PM
          To: [tuxguitar:support-requests]
          Subject: [tuxguitar:support-requests] Re: #30 Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

          Is this attached image what you are trying to do?
          I think the problem is that you are adding notes first and then modifying its duration, while you should select a duration and then add notes

          If you add notes first and later modify it's duration tuxguitar will not shift left automatically next notes. it will fill empty space with rest instead.
          to shift left notes you'll need to press "Supr" button

          By other hand the triplet as part of duration is applied to selected beat, and next "empty" beats.. tuxguitar will not modify other existing notes duration of non selected beat


          [support-requests:#30] Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

          Status: open
          Group: v1.0 (example)
          Created: Fri May 01, 2020 08:12 PM UTC by Phil Grigg
          Last Updated: Sat May 02, 2020 10:40 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          Using TuxGuitar 1.5.3 running on windows 10 with all current updates. I was trying to figure out how to create triplets, Got error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException. Clicked on OK and was able to continue.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

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          Support Requests: #30

  • Julian Casadesus

    seleccioné un valor de 1/4, seleccioné la cadena y puse el 2. Esto es lo que TG hizo a continuación. Ahora, ¿qué hago a continuación para reproducir su ejemplo?

    So, now you have 1/4 note in first beat .

    Next step you should do is fix it's duration (triplet is part of duration), so just select a tripplet in duration section of left toolbar (attached triplet-button.png)
    If you don't have left toolbar visible, just enable (attached left-toolbar-button.png)
    Or you can use shortcut "/"

    As you ar writing, left to right. there are no existing notes at right of current beat, so tuxguitar will try fill rests with same duration .. all will be rests of 1/4 triplets.

    So next move to right, enter a new note.. and do it again..
    so you'll see something like:

    Asuming R is a rest!


    Now you have 6 1/4 triplet beats..
    Then move cursor to first R and remove triplet from duration (same button)

    Now you should see something like:

    Then enter notes in rest beats and thats all.

    Conclusion is you have to enter notes from left to right, otherwise you are fixing things and making it harder

    • Phil Grigg

      Phil Grigg - 2020-05-04

      Thank you!! That worked!
      However, what if I wanted something more complicated, like the following?


      Does TG support creating a measure like this? Or maybe this?

      Or this?


      When I tried to put in 2 triplets of 3, 1/8 notes each, this is what I got.
      Does TG support putting multiple triplets in the same measure?


      Sent from Mail for Windows 10

      From: Julian
      Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 8:33 AM
      To: [tuxguitar:support-requests]
      Subject: [tuxguitar:support-requests] #30 Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

      seleccioné un valor de 1/4, seleccioné la cadena y puse el 2. Esto es lo que TG hizo a continuación. Ahora, ¿qué hago a continuación para reproducir su ejemplo?

      So, now you have 1/4 note in first beat .

      Next step you should do is fix it's duration (triplet is part of duration), so just select a tripplet in duration section of left toolbar (attached triplet-button.png)
      If you don't have left toolbar visible, just enable (attached left-toolbar-button.png)
      Or you can use shortcut "/"

      As you ar writing, left to right. there are no existing notes at right of current beat, so tuxguitar will try fill rests with same duration .. all will be rests of 1/4 triplets.

      So next move to right, enter a new note.. and do it again..
      so you'll see something like:

      Asuming R is a rest!


      Now you have 6 1/4 triplet beats..
      Then move cursor to first R and remove triplet from duration (same button)

      Now you should see something like:

      Then enter notes in rest beats and thats all.

      Conclusion is you have to enter notes from left to right, otherwise you are fixing things and making it harder


      [support-requests:#30] Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0 (example)
      Created: Fri May 01, 2020 08:12 PM UTC by Phil Grigg
      Last Updated: Sun May 03, 2020 09:21 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Using TuxGuitar 1.5.3 running on windows 10 with all current updates. I was trying to figure out how to create triplets, Got error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException. Clicked on OK and was able to continue.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Support Requests: #30

      • Julian Casadesus

        Of course you can write this.
        The only limitation you have is that tuxguitar is as it was designed to be automatic you can't manage visual grouping.. so maybe for the first attachment you added you wil see some "visual" differences when you write that in tuxguitar because it group notes by quarter beats, but you can write exactly same notes a exactly same beats and will get same timing

        For second and third example you can get exactly that.

        Attached examples

        Again, try write from left to right. thats all

        I'm no t complety sure what you wanted to do this the last attached image.

        • Phil Grigg

          Phil Grigg - 2020-05-04

          OK! I was finally able to reproduce your example. Thanks for your help.

          As for the original error message I got, If I get it again, I’ll take a snapshot of the dialog box that is displayed. If there is a way I can run TG in debug mode, I would be happy to do that each time I use it. I looked all over the tuxguitar-1.5.3 folders and could not find any debug log files. Since your code caught the exception, I doubt there would be any Java trace data anyway. And since the error message didn’t identify the class/method, I’m not sure how to find where/why the dialog was displayed.


          Sent from Mail for Windows 10

          From: Julian
          Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 4:49 PM
          To: [tuxguitar:support-requests]
          Subject: [tuxguitar:support-requests] Re: #30 Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

          Of course you can write this.
          The only limitation you have is that tuxguitar is as it was designed to be automatic you can't manage visual grouping.. so maybe for the first attachment you added you wil see some "visual" differences when you write that in tuxguitar because it group notes by quarter beats, but you can write exactly same notes a exactly same beats and will get same timing

          For second and third example you can get exactly that.

          Attached examples

          Again, try write from left to right. thats all

          I'm no t complety sure what you wanted to do this the last attached image.


          [support-requests:#30] Error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException

          Status: open
          Group: v1.0 (example)
          Created: Fri May 01, 2020 08:12 PM UTC by Phil Grigg
          Last Updated: Mon May 04, 2020 12:33 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          Using TuxGuitar 1.5.3 running on windows 10 with all current updates. I was trying to figure out how to create triplets, Got error message: org.herac.tuxguitar.event.TGEventException. Clicked on OK and was able to continue.

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

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          Support Requests: #30

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