
Tuxguitar playback position

  • ulukai

    ulukai - 2023-01-15


    Longtime user of Tuxguitar, let me start with saying thank you for this great piece of software first!

    I have a quiestion about the playback. By default when you pause/stop the playback, and you press play again it starts again from the beginning of the song or the position where you last clicked. However, often I just want to pause at the current position where I pressed space, and want to continue playback from there again, instead of the last position I selected before.

    Is there a way to choose this behaviour? Couldn't find it in the options/menus. If it's currently not possible, would you consider adding this as a choice somewhere?

    Thank you so much for any feedback!

  • Diego Guerra

    Diego Guerra - 2023-02-03

    Hey there, I do not have an in-software answer, but I do have a work around you could consider (assuming this is not what you are doing). I did try searching as well, but did not find any good answer.

    Save your file as a GuitarPro format and upload it to Songsterr (a free account there should work). They have this exact function (play/pause at the point you stopped/played at). One shortcoming, of course, would be that you would need to upload each time you make a change, but if you just want to play pause at that spot without clicking, it does provide this convenience.

  • ulukai

    ulukai - 2023-02-03

    Thanks for reacting. Yeah I use Songsterr on my mobile devices and grew fond of this option. however on my main computer I prefer the full featured playback of Tuxguitar.
    At least your confirmation means I'm not missing an option but it just doesn't exist.
    I would be so grateful if this could be implemented in a future version.

  • guiv

    guiv - 2023-07-02

    Hello. It seems the same problem also mentioned in this ticket.
    If so, then I have implemented a fix in this fork, because it seems there is no more development activity going on here. You can find installable versions there

  • ulukai

    ulukai - 2023-07-02

    That's great, might give it a chance. Thanks for doing the hard work of improving someone else's code.

  • guiv

    guiv - 2023-07-03

    Don't hesitate to provide feedback, especially if you think of useful adjustment/improvement


    Last edit: guiv 2023-07-09

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