
Tree [28731e] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK
 src 2012-03-05 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [ad92eb] src/ adding support for steady st...
 tutorials 2012-03-05 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [28731e] tutorial for the vtkTimeAverage class
 .gitignore 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK
 ChangeLog 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK
 Doxyfile 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK
 LICENSE 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK
 README 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK 2011-11-07 Oliver Borm Oliver Borm [6d257c] Initial git commit for TurbuVTK

Read Me


Turbovtk are some python scripts which are usefull for analysing
turbomachines with vtk and ParaView. All scripts can either used in
plain python modus or inside ParaView with the Programmable Filter.

vtk with python bindings >=5.0
python 2.*
pythonNURBS >=0.2

The turbovtk scripts are distributed under the GNU GPL Version 3,
which can be found in the file 'LICENSE'.

Oliver Borm