
turboelf / News: Recent posts

Getting it done within the next week...

I'm doing the python version right now. I'm building a gui for the app, hence the time it's been taking. I had school, but now that I'm out, I can do some hardcore work on all my projects. I expect to be finished with the alpha of the python version by next Saturday.

Posted by Jason 2008-06-07


I apologize for the stagnancy. School has been keeping me very occupied the last year. I expect to be releasing a and a linux gui version soon.

Posted by Jason 2008-03-19

Finally...a release!!!

I released the C version in a .tar.gz about a week ago-ish. I took a look and did find the problem, I placed a ";" after a while() before the subroutine. Needless to say it's fixed. Feel free to give ideas about the other menu options I haven't implemented yet. A PalmOS version is also possible.

Posted by Jason 2007-07-14


I had most of this coded and then I backed it up and let it sit for a wthile. Last ime I checked, it ran fine. I updated anjuta and now it does not run. Only the C version is written. The python edition will not be released publicly until I finish porting it over.

Posted by Jason 2007-06-13