
64-bit cdrtools crash

David Lee
  • David Lee

    David Lee - 2016-09-02

    Hi, just downloaded various versions of cdrtools (my interest is 64-bit).

    The 64-bit utilities (under the win64 directory) printed out messages when invoked without arguments, so I assume they are fine:


    On the other hand, 64-bit utilities from this version crashed (under Windows 7 x64 and 8.1 x64):


    Just a report.

  • David Lee

    David Lee - 2016-09-02

    Forgot to mention that 32-bit executables seemed to be fine.

  • tumagonx

    tumagonx - 2016-09-02

    My bad, I didn't check the 64bit builds at all.

    Thank You, will check it.

  • tumagonx

    tumagonx - 2016-09-05

    I have check the change between alpha5 and alpha6, found that the crash triggered by the new unbuffered filewrite(), but I don't know if this upstream bug or gcc/compile bug. Sorry, at the moment please use alpha5 for 64bit.

  • David Lee

    David Lee - 2016-12-11

    FYI version 3.01 has this issue:

    64-bit version only detected my recorder as a generic CD-ROM; I tried to erase a CD-RW disc but it refused.

    32-bit version worked fine.


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