
TSync / News: Recent posts

TSync Server 0.6 released.

The new server 0.6 final has been released, it has a few bug fixes, and has now the possibility to disable one of the build-in protcols.

Posted by Talle 2001-11-05

Client now RFC868 compatible

The TSync client is now RFC868 compatible, this means that you can now synchronise your time with one of the many time servers on the internet.
It is also possible to synchronise your time with a windows computer running NetTime.

Feel free to request more features!

Posted by Don van der Haghen 2001-11-01

RFC868 Compatible (Windows NetTime compatible)

Our server is now RFC868 compatible which makes it possible to use it with Windows through NetTime, which can be found at
Proper documentation will be added soon.

Posted by Don van der Haghen 2001-10-31

Windows Support

Windows support is currently being implemented through RFC868. Which means that we will make our server and client compatible with already existing windows clients.
This should be done in about 7 days.

Thank you for your faith in TSync!

Posted by Don van der Haghen 2001-10-30