
tsmadmin / News: Recent posts

tsmadmin 0.5 release date Aug. 1st.

tsmadmin 0.5 will be release on Aug 1st, with the following enhancements:

1) Repository for historical data (MySQL).
2) tsmtop ( a "Mytop" clone )
3) Additional reports and utilities

Posted by Eric Merredith 2004-07-11

tsmadmin-0.31 Beta

Release of 0.31 Beta

Posted by Eric Merredith 2004-04-01

Started dev in 0.3

Started developing in 0.3 by cleaning up the tsmq* CLI's neccesity to copy the tsmqlib file to the Perl @INC directory.
Redesign of tsmqlib is next....stay tuned.

Posted by Eric Merredith 2004-01-18