
Oct 4, 2002 version of ts10 (ka630) seg fault

Rob Ginn
  • Rob Ginn

    Rob Ginn - 2003-01-13

    Hi Timothy,
    I downloaded the ts10 code from your ftp site
    (ts10-021004.tgz) and am having trouble getting
    the program to run with the ka630 CPU.  Specifically,
    it core dumps when it tries to create the qbus adapter
    (QBA0).  I temporarily removed the "create" line
    from the config file and the emulator comes up,
    but it prints what looks like an error on the "console"
    window -- which I assume is the microvax-II ROM code
    complaining that it can't talk the the qbus.

    At any rate, I tried the test under Redhat Linux, and
    also under OpenBSD (I had to hack the code a bit to
    get it to compile).  I also tried gcc with optimization
    switched off.  The specific line (ka630_qba.c, line 466)

      INTVEC[io->intLevel[idx]] = io->intVector[idx] | 0x200

    Since your posts indicate that you've got code running
    under the ka630 emulator, and from a time before this version
    was put out, I figure I'm doing something stupid.
    If not, I'll push on and try to determine what's going on.

    Any suggestions?

    - Rob

    • Timothy Stark

      Timothy Stark - 2003-01-14


      Thank you for let me know.  I will look into that.  KA655 version worked fine that I tested before.

      Yes, my ts10 multi-system emulator works on
      both Linux and BSD operating systems.

      -- Tim Stark


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