
How used for examples method forEachEntry.

Sergii K.
  • Sergii K.

    Sergii K. - 2010-10-13

    I want used THashMap but how can I implement Trove specific APIs
    (forEachEntry, forEachKey, forEachValue or transformValues) to potentially
    gain higher performance for customerMap int GNUMAkeFile class.
    public class GNUMakeFile {

    @param args
    public static void main(String args) {

    KeyObj key1 = new KeyObj(1);
    KeyObj key2 = new KeyObj(2);
    KeyObj key3 = new KeyObj(3);
    ValObj val1 = new ValObj(11);
    ValObj val2 = new ValObj(22);
    ValObj val3 = new ValObj(33);

    THashMap customerMap = new THashMap();

    customerMap.put(key1, val1);
    customerMap.put(key2, val2);
    customerMap.put(key3, val3);



  • Sergii K.

    Sergii K. - 2010-10-13

    Maybe someone have link for simple examples with implementation Trove specific


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