
How do I ...

Thomas Abeel

... move panes around?

Between the different zoom levels there are handles that allow you to manipulate the panes. You can make them larger, smaller and move them around.

You can change the left side of the pane with the left handle, the right side with the right handle and you can move the entire pane with the center handle.

... add or remove panes?

Adding and removing panes is done with the + and - buttons on the multiple alignment track next to the panes.

... rearrange meta data columns?

You can reorder the meta data columns in the left panel of the multiple alignment and sequence view track by dragging their handle left or right.

... select samples?

You can select sequencing by clicking or dragging the mouse over one of the meta data tables. While you are selecting sequence the affected samples will be highlighted in red. Once you release the mouse button the selected sequences are highlighted in yellow.

Selecting sequences is a toggle, so if you 'select' an already selected sequence again, it will be removed from the selection.

... unselect samples?

If you want to unselect one or more specific sequences you can just click/drag them again. Selecting sequences is a toggle, so if you 'select' an already selected sequence again, it will be removed from the selection.

If you want to unselect everything, you can click the right-mouse button which will clear the entire selection.

... mark selected samples?

Once you have selected some sequences, you can mark them with a color for quick reference. As soon as you have some sequences selected the marker color dialog will pop-out right above the name column in the meta data table.

Clicking any of the colors there will mark all selected sequences with the selected color. This may overwrite any previous markings you have made.

... unmark selected samples?

To remove the color marking from sequences, you have to select them and select the last marker item, which is a red rectangle with a diagonal red line. This indicates blank marker.

... sort samples based on meta data?

Order the meta data columns in the order you want them considered in the sorting. Press the 'sort' menu item.

Note that the order of meta data columns is independent between the two meta data tables and that the 'Sort' menu item will work with the column order in the corresponding meta data table.

... sort samples based on their name?

To sort the samples back to their original sort order based on their name, you can click the small up and down arrow to the left of the label of the 'Name' meta data column.

... sort samples based on their marker color?

Once you have marked some sequences with a color there will be a small up-down arrow icon above the color marker column. Clicking that icon will sort the samples based on the color marker.

... load my own data?

Press the O (oh, not zero) key on you keyboard and a file selection dialog will pop-out. Select the file you want to load and your are ready to go. Keep in mind that the file needs to be in the viz format described in the 'Data formatting' chapter.