
Trigger suddenly ignores my user configuration and sticks to installation defaults (Win10)

  • Frédéric Clette

    Overnight, Trigger ceased to load the existing configuration and .player files in my .trigger-rally directory (under users). Therefore, all my times and events are "forgotten", and the game paddle does not work (keyboard only ). In fact, the program now only uses the installation defaults, although all my config and player files are still there, in my .trigger-rally directory. As a test, I changed or even removed my personal config files, without any effect.
    When this happened, I hadn't changed anything to the program (version 0.6.5 under Win10 already for a long time). So, no idea what happened that changed the program behaviour.
    How can I get Trigger using again my personal config instead of its own installation defaults?

    A related question: as this problem involves the player data, I wondered how one can choose a player. Trigger always started directly with my player profile, without any player selection menu appearing in the program itself. So, how to switch between players and creating new ones?

    Thanks for any advice to fix this sudden anomaly.


  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2019-01-03

    Hi Frederic,

    it sounds like you somehow lost your configuration file (or it has been overwritten). In there is a setting for chosing which player file to load on start-up. The file is called "trigger-rally-0.6.5.config". You can edit it with any simple text editor and in line four it contains the name of your player file as a value (without the ".player" extension):


    You might have to adjust the rest of the configuration if you had customised settings before. But you shouldn't if you have never seen it since editing it by hand is the only way of adjusting these values.

    I hope this helps.

  • Frédéric Clette

    Thanks for the quick reaction.
    As mentioned in my message, my configuration file is actually there, unmodified, as well as the Fred_1.player file. The configuration is correct and points to the proper player file, and the joystick is activated and correctly defined. Simply, it seems that the program does not find it anymore in my "users" path (and consequently reverts to the installation default under "Programs/Trigger-rally" ? player=Player, blank times, no races, keyboard only mode).

    I suspect a failure in the way Trigger locates the personal user configuration of the user who launches the program, but I don't know what is the logic it uses, and how it could be influenced by e.g. a change in the Windows registry. Apparently, there is no .ini file either where the search paths are defined for Trigger, and could be corrected.
    As I did not change anything to the program and its associated files when the problem appeared, I would suspect an external cause: e.g. a dependency of the program on an OS parameter when locating the user configuration file, and this parameter could have been modifed by an unrelated operation (an OS update?).

    Not trivial ...


  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2019-01-03

    Unfortunately I don't know much about Windows. Can you backup your personalised files and re-install the game with adding your files afterwards? I fear without Andrei, who managed the code for the last release and usually seems to work with Windows, I can't suggest much more.

  • Frédéric Clette

    OK. I am going to re-install the program. This was the last-resort option, as I will also need to re-install plugins. I will report about the outcome. Thanks.

  • Onsemeliot

    Onsemeliot - 2019-01-04

    Sorry, I fear a Windows update replaced libraries and that the new ones might not work with Trigger Rally. Since you have already installed the most recent development version I can't even offer that as a possible solution. But if you compile the program newly the building script hopefully complains about incompatible libraries.


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