
"Large" documents

J. Wynia
  • J. Wynia

    J. Wynia - 2002-09-17

    You might want to restate your description of 4MB documents. Some of my collegues here at work do their main work with XSLT transformations of 600-700MB XML documents. They had a bit of hope several time when they heard projects described as handling "large" documents only to find out that the project's meant 1-5MB.

    • Rob

      Rob - 2002-09-17

      Your point is well taken. "Large" is a relative word I suppose. I would classify half a Gig +documents as damned huge; however, I understand your frustration, and I apologize for inadvertently misleading you. 

      Also, are you selecting reference only do not load the file or trying to load the file into the editor, and are the huge files XML documents are they XSLTs?

      Often times I say (at least on my web site - ) I say ~4MB, if you tell me were you read the unspecified amount I will fix it. 

      Also I do not have access to files of such size to test. If you want to give me / allow access to files of such size (if possible, without compromising anything), I might be able to figure a way to make it work  however it is very dependent on your computer and parser of choice.

      Thank you for trying Treebeard and taking the time to let me know about this issue.


      • Rob

        Rob - 2002-09-17

        By the way, have you tried to do a transform of this size with Treebeard? In theory it should work if the transform works with Xalan or Saxon as Treebeard is really just a fancy front end for java XSLT parsers.

        I state 4MB because the largest file I could find on the net to test with was 4MB.


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