
Additional Settings

cfp p2p
  • cfp p2p

    cfp p2p - 2013-10-07
    Additional settings.json configuration elements.
        "piece-temp-dir": "/_trs-pctmp",
    "piece-temp-dir": "C:/share/hdd/data/16gb/_trs-pctmp",
    the default path is the config directory and a "pieces" 
    sub-directory Changing this setting will only affect new 
    torrents. Existing torrents will continue to use the same 
    directory that was set when they were created.
    see tr_sessionGetConfigDir() and tr_getDefaultPieceSubDir()
        "prefetch-magnets-enabled": false,
    Recommend setting to true for best use of piece-temp-dir and
    magnet links.
    Default is false
    Makes it possible to choose what files to download after 
    getting magnet metadata
     When this is set to true torrents pause AFTER the metadata is
     acquired only IF torrent is started in a paused state:
    i.e. web client:

    start paused

    RPC: "torrent-add" "paused" | boolean if true, don't start the
    tranmsission-remote --start-paused
    settings.json "start-added-torrents": false,
    Queuing is correctly followed in that a queued torrent will 
    NOT pause after retrieving metadata.
    Pausing then resuming a torrent still in the retrieving 
    metadata state cancels the pause after metadata acquisition.
    With "prefetch-magnets-enabled" false default behavior remains.
    note: some third party add-on clients like
    transmission-remote-GUI always load the
    torrent in a paused state while waiting in the 'parameters 
    window when adding a new torrent'. Wait for the metadata 
    acquisition there then check/uncheck the Start
    torrent box for correct behavior.
        "reverify-torrents-tries": 0,
    settings.json element "reverify-torrents-tries" which if 
    greater than zero will reverify on completion until successful 
    100% verify or reverify-torrents-tries times
    at which time torrent is paused with error 'Reverify count 
    exceeded - pausing torrent -- resetting retries'.
    After this error message restarting the torrent then again
    starts with original reverify-torrents-tries count. 
    Default is 0, 
    edit settings.json
    "reverify-torrents-tries": 0, to greater than 0 to enable 
    Manual bootstrapping as a fallback.
    Just add a file ~/.config/transmission-daemon/dht.bootstrap
    (same directory location as settings.json add dht.bootstrap)
    that says something like 6881 6881
    and Transmission will bootstrap from those nodes if normal 
    bootstrap fails.



        It's not always possible to set all configurations from the GUI, especially on
    the Daemon or the Web Interface. This guide will try to give an overview of how and
    what you can change. For the location of these files, look at the Configuration Files
    Note: The client should be closed before making changes, otherwise settings will be
    reverted to it's previous state.
    Some of Transmission's behavior can also be customized via EnvironmentVariables.
        alt-speed-enabled: Boolean (default = false, aka 'Turtle Mode')
        Note: Clicking the "Turtle" in the gui when the scheduler is enabled, will only
    temporarily remove the scheduled limit until the next cycle.
        alt-speed-up: Number (KB/s, default = 50)
        alt-speed-down: Number (KB/s, default = 50)
        speed-limit-down: Number (KB/s, default = 100)
        speed-limit-down-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
        speed-limit-up: Number (KB/s, default = 100)
        speed-limit-up-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
        upload-slots-per-torrent: Number (default = 14)
        blocklist-url: String (default = ?
        blocklist-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
    Files and Locations
        download-dir: String (default = default locations)
        incomplete-dir: String (default = default locations) Directory to keep files in
    until torrent is complete.
        incomplete-dir-enabled: Boolean (default = false) When enabled, new torrents will
    download the files to incomplete-dir. When complete, the files will be moved to
        preallocation: Number (0 = Off, 1 = Fast, 2 = Full (slower but reduces disk
    fragmentation), default = 1)
        rename-partial-files: Boolean (default = true) Postfix partially downloaded files
    with ".part".
        start-added-torrents: Boolean (default = true) Start torrents as soon as they are
        trash-original-torrent-files: Boolean (default = false) Delete torrents added
    from the watch directory.
        umask: Number (default = 18) Sets transmission's file mode creation mask. See
    ?the umask(2) manpage for more information. Users who want their saved torrents to be
    world-writable may want to set this value to 0. Bear in mind that the json markup
    language only accepts numbers in base 10, so the standard umask(2) octal notation
    "022" is written in settings.json as 18.
        watch-dir: String
        watch-dir-enabled: Boolean (default = false) Watch a directory for torrent files
    and add them to transmission.
        Note: When watch-dir-enabled is true, only the transmission-daemon,
    transmission-gtk, and transmission-qt applications will monitor watch-dir for new
    .torrent files and automatically load them.
        cache-size-mb: Size (default = 4), in megabytes, to allocate for Transmission's
    memory cache. The cache is used to help batch disk IO together, so increasing the
    cache size can be used to reduce the number of disk reads and writes. Default is 2 if
    configured with --enable-lightweight.
        dht-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable ?Distributed Hash Table (DHT).
        encryption: Number (0 = Prefer unencrypted connections, 1 = Prefer encrypted
    connections, 2 = Require encrypted connections; default = 1) ?Encryption preference.
    Encryption may help get around some ISP filtering, but at the cost of slightly higher
    CPU use.
        lazy-bitfield-enabled: Boolean (default = true) May help get around some ISP
    filtering. ?Vuze specification.
        lpd-enabled: Boolean (default = false) Enable ?Local Peer Discovery (LPD).
        message-level: Number (0 = None, 1 = Error, 2 = Info, 3 = Debug, default = 2) Set
    verbosity of transmission messages.
        pex-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable ?Peer Exchange (PEX).
        prefetch-enabled: Boolean (default = true). When enabled, Transmission will hint
    to the OS which piece data it's about to read from disk in order to satisfy requests
    from peers. On Linux, this is done by passing POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED to
    ?posix_fadvise(). On OS X, this is done by passing F_RDADVISE to ?fcntl(). This
    defaults to false if configured with --enable-lightweight.
        scrape-paused-torrents-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
        script-torrent-done-enabled: Boolean (default = false) Run a script at torrent
        script-torrent-done-filename: String (default = "") Path to script.
        utp-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable ?Micro Transport Protocol (µTP)
        bind-address-ipv4: String (default = "") Where to listen for peer
        bind-address-ipv6: String (default = "::") Where to listen for peer connections
        peer-congestion-algorithm: String. This is documented on
        peer-limit-global: Number (default = 240)
        peer-limit-per-torrent: Number (default = 60)
        peer-socket-tos: String (default = "default") Set the ?Type-Of-Service (TOS)
    parameter for outgoing TCP packets. Possible values are "default", "lowcost",
    "throughput", "lowdelay" and "reliability". The value "lowcost" is recommended if
    you're using a smart router, and shouldn't harm in any case.
    Peer Port
        peer-port: Number (default = 51413)
        peer-port-random-high: Number (default = 65535)
        peer-port-random-low: Number (default = 1024)
        peer-port-random-on-start: Boolean (default = false)
        port-forwarding-enabled: Boolean (default = true) Enable ?UPnP or ?NAT-PMP.
        download-queue-enabled: Boolean (default = true) When true, Transmission will
    only download download-queue-size non-stalled torrents at once.
        download-queue-size: Number (default = 5) See download-queue-enabled.
        queue-stalled-enabled: Boolean (default = true) When true, torrents that have not
    shared data for queue-stalled-minutes are treated as 'stalled' and are not counted
    against the queue-download-size and seed-queue-size limits.
        queue-stalled-minutes: Number (default = 30) See queue-stalled-enabled.
        seed-queue-enabled: Boolean (default = false) When true. Transmission will only
    seed seed-queue-size non-stalled torrents at once.
        seed-queue-size: Number (default = 10) See seed-queue-enabled.
        rpc-authentication-required: Boolean (default = false)
        rpc-bind-address: String (default = "") Where to listen for RPC
        rpc-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
        rpc-password: String
        rpc-port: Number (default = 9091)
        rpc-url: String (default = /transmission/. Added in v2.2)
        rpc-username: String
        rpc-whitelist: String (Comma-delimited list of IP addresses. Wildcards allowed
    using '*'. Example: "127.0.0.*,192.168.*.*", Default: "" )
        rpc-whitelist-enabled: Boolean (default = true)
        alt-speed-time-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
        Note: When enabled, this will toggle the alt-speed-enabled setting.
        alt-speed-time-begin: Number (default = 540, in minutes from midnight, 9am)
        alt-speed-time-end: Number (default = 1020, in minutes from midnight, 5pm)
        alt-speed-time-day: Number/bitfield (default = 127, all days)
            Start with 0, then for each day you want the scheduler enabled, add:
                Sunday: 1 (binary: 0000001)
                Monday: 2 (binary: 0000010)
                Tuesday: 4 (binary: 0000100)
                Wednesday: 8 (binary: 0001000)
                Thursday: 16 (binary: 0010000)
                Friday: 32 (binary: 0100000)
                Saturday: 64 (binary: 1000000)
                Weekdays: 62 (binary: 0111110)
                Weekends: 65 (binary: 1000001)
                All Days: 127 (binary: 1111111)
        idle-seeding-limit: Number (default = 30) Stop seeding after being idle for N
        idle-seeding-limit-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
        ratio-limit: Number (default = 2.0)
        ratio-limit-enabled: Boolean (default = false)
        Environment Variables
    Users can set environmental variables to override Transmission's default behavior and
    for debugging.
    Transmission-Specific Variables
        If TRANSMISSION_HOME is set, Transmission will look there for its settings
    instead of in the default location.
        If TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME is set, Transmission will look there for the Web
    Interface files, such as the javascript, html, and graphics files.
        If TR_CURL_VERBOSE is set, debugging information for libcurl will be enabled.
    More information about libcurl's debugging mode ?is available here.
        TR_DEBUG (undocumented).
        If TR_DEBUG_FD is set to an integer, that integer is treated as a ?file
    descriptor and very verbose debugging information is written to it. For example, here
    is how to turn on debugging and save it to a file named "runlog" when running
    Transmission from a bash shell:
        $ export TR_DEBUG_FD=2
        $ transmission 2>runlog
        If TR_DHT_VERBOSE is set, then Transmission will log all of the DHT's activities
    in excrutiating detail to standard error.
    Standard Variables Used By Transmission
        If TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME is not set, non-Mac platforms will look for the Web
    Interface files in XDG_DATA_HOME and in XDG_DATA_DIRS as described in ?the XDG Base
    Directory Specification. XDG_DATA_HOME has a default value of $HOME/.local/share/.
        If TRANSMISSION_HOME is not set, Unix-based versions of Transmission will look
    for their settings in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/transmission/. XDG_CONFIG_HOME has a default
    value of $HOME/.config/.
        If HOME is set, it's used in three ways:
            by the XDG variables, as described above
            If TRANSMISSION_HOME is not set, Mac-based versions of Transmission will look
    for their settings in $HOME/Library/Application Support/Transmission
            $HOME/Downloads is the default download directory.
    Standard Variables Used By Other Tools
        Transmission uses the ?libcurl library for http- and https-based tracker
    announces and scrapes. Transmission doesn't support proxies, but libcurl itself
    honors ?a handful of environment variables to customize its proxy behavior.

    Last edit: cfp p2p 2013-11-04
  • cfp p2p

    cfp p2p - 2016-08-08


    The default setting is 25.

    With 2016-08-06 release there is now the setting to prevent transmission from upload of magnet links requested by peers. The session setting (manually by settings.json)
    "magnet-bad-piece-max": 1,
    With the setting as 1 is the prevention of magnet link upload to other clients. You can still receive/download magnet links. A setting of 0 and transmission can't receive the torrent metadata by magnet however, there is still the upload of magnet if you loaded a .torrent file. The default setting is 25. On receiving the magnet link metadata the torrent will pause after this many attempts, as it's likely transmission is connected to a malicious peer.

    The setting 1 goes well with transmission when it's set for zero upload speed of the torrent files too.

  • kamikazeepl

    kamikazeepl - 2019-01-08
    Post awaiting moderation.

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