
TurboPower Async Professional / News: Recent posts

APro 5.00 available for download

The latest release of AsyncPro5 – RC1 is now available for download. This release is compatible with Delphi 2009 and Delphi 2010. AsyncPro5 will compatible with latest Delphi 2010 with the following specific components.
AsyncPro5 has the same functionality as version 4.07.

If you find any error and bug, please report to Bug tracker on SoruceForge.

Posted by Sulaiman Mah 2010-03-10

APro 4.07 available for download

We are finally done with release candidates. The components seem to be quite stable now. This release contains a few minor enhancements.

ShowException is no long used to report Windows errors encountered by the serial port I/O threads. Windows errors are now reported via the OnTriggerLineError event. The Error argument to OnTriggerLineError will be leIOError (10) to indicate that a Windows error has occurred. A new property (LastWinError) contains the actual windows error code. The calling program must still use AddStatusTrigger and SetStatusTrigger to cause the OnTriggerLineError event to fire. Specifying any of the ls* flags to SetStatusTrigger will cause OnTriggerLineError to fire if a Windows error is encountered.... read more

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2008-11-14

APro 4.07 RC4 avaliable for download

The latest release of ASync Pro is now available for download. This release contains a number of minor bug fixes.

Apro was using QueryPerformanceCounter to calculated elapsed times
for timer triggers and the like. This API call is problematic when
used on certain multi-processor systems and on systems which use
various cooling and power saving modes. Under value returned by
QueryPerformanceCounter can be wildly inaccurate, causing timers to
fire early or late. The avoid these problems, QueryPerformanceCounter
has been replaced with timeGetTime. timeBeginPeriod is called during
initialization to set the minimum update period for timeGetTime to
1 millisecond. NOTE: This means that Apro no longer has sub-millisecond
accuracy when computing elapsed times but this should be less of a
problem than that caused by QueryPerformanceCounter.... read more

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2008-02-18

APro 4.07 RC3 available for download

Async Pro 4.07 Release Candidate 3 is available for download. This release has the following bug fixes and enhancements.


The way the terminal emulator's capture file was opened was changed to
allow it to be read by other processes.

Two new functions (WriteCharSource and WriteStringSource) were added
to the terminal component to allow the colour of text written to the
terminal window to be controlled.... read more

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2007-11-12

Developer's Guide Documentation Files Converted to OpenOffic

The source documents for the Developer's Guide have been converted to OpenOffice format. As with the Reference Guide, these files are probably still a bit rough since the conversion from FrameMaker to OpenOffice via RTF is not particularly clean.

The new files have been imported into CVS in the docsources/Manual/Dev Guide directory.

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2007-11-06

Documentation files converted to OpenOffice format

The source documents for the Reference Guide have been converted from FrameMaker to OpenOffice format. Any one who is interested in the raw documentation files can find them in CVS in the docsources\Manual\FM Files directory.

The OpenOffice version of the files are probably still a bit rough as the automated conversion from FileMaker to RTF to OpenOffice was not as clean as one might have wanted, but they will provide a good starting place for anyone who is interested in updating the manual.

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2007-11-04

Web Site Reactivated

The Async Pro web site has been resurrected. It contains a brief introduction to each of the Async Pro components along with links to the complete manuals and downloads.

The web site can be found at

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2007-11-03

APro 4.07 Release Candidate 1 available

Release Candidate 1 for version 4.07 of Async Pro is now available for download. In addition to several bug fixes this release contains the full source code for a VT100 terminal emulator based on the APro components. This release is also our first attempt at providing an Installshield script to install the component source files.

You will still need to follow the instructions in the README file to install the components into your development environment but at least the file installation has been automated.... read more

Posted by Stephen Boyd 2007-04-26

APRO packages for Delphi 2005 and Delphi 2006 released

A "pre-release" of Async Professional version 4.07 is now available for download. It contains only the Delphi packages for Delphi 2005 and Delphi 2006. It does not contain any other enhancements or bug fixes that may have been made since the release of version 4.06. To compile the Delphi 2005 and Delphi 2006 packages, you will still need all of the source files from version 4.06.

To obtain the Apro v4.07 pre-release, go to the download page for the Async Professional project and download

Posted by Rob Roberts 2005-12-10

TurboPower Async Professional 4.06 released

TurboPower Async Professional 4.06 is now available for download.

Async Professional is a comprehensive communications toolkit for
Borland Delphi, C++Builder, & ActiveX environments. It provides direct
access to serial ports, TAPI, and the Microsoft Speech API. It
supports faxing, terminal emulation, VOIP, & more.

This release includes source code, packages, the latest PDF manual,
& help files.... read more

Posted by TurboPower 2003-01-29

Welcome to the project

The mere presence of this SourceForge project is a product of our open source preparations and should not be considered a guarantee that this product will be open sourced. The disposition of each product is still being evaluated.

Posted by TurboPower 2003-01-08