

Jake H
  • Jake H

    Jake H - 2008-09-26


    I've been trying many different things over the past couple of days and have not been able to overcome the following error when running the configure script:

    checking for oracle... checking oci works... configure: error: Couldn't compile and run a simpile OCI app.
          Try setting ORACLE_HOME or check config.log.
          Otherwise, make sure ORACLE_HOME/lib is in /etc/ or LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    I'm running the following install command:

    ./configure --without-kde \                      --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3 \
                         --with-oracle-libraries=<path to instant client directory>oracle_instant_client/client \&nbsp; 
                         --with-oracle-includes=<same path as above>/sdk/include \                      --with-oci-version=10G \                      --with-instant-client \

    I had the qscintilla problem and the QT problem and was able to resolve those.  I made the entry for oracle.conf in the file has just one line in it, the path to the oracle instant client and ran the ldconfig script.  Now I'm stuck here :(

    Here is my machine info:

    [meatball:/etc/] # uname -a
    Linux meatball.blah.blah.blah #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 14 06:25:08 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

    • Mike Johnson

      Mike Johnson - 2008-09-26

      Please try compiling the svn version. We're trying to release pretty soon now and it's much improved over the old version.

      The configure options have changed, too. If you unzip the instant client files all into the same folder, configure will find them with only --with-instant-client=/path

    • Jake H

      Jake H - 2008-09-26

      The 'svn' version?  I'm sorry, could you please be a little more specific.


    • Mike Johnson

      Mike Johnson - 2008-09-27

      Follow the instructions here to get the source:

    • Jake H

      Jake H - 2008-09-29

      Got it, thanks!

      This new version seems to be worse...

      The configure script exited with a failure on the Qt module again.  However, this time when I passed '--with-qt-dir=/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/' it did not fix the problem.

      Any thoughts on this?

      Thanks again!

      • Nathan Neulinger

        Current builds of tora are based on Qt4... you have to link to Qt4... not qt3.

    • Jake H

      Jake H - 2008-09-29

      Still no luck :(

      I've tried the following


      I continue to receive this message:

      checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
      checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt not found.
            Please check your installation! For more details about this problem,
            look at the end of config.log.

      I'm sure I'm missing something simple...

      • Nathan Neulinger

        And what was the result of following the instructions in that error message?


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