
#1 import from CSV data


I installed tomotko on the N810 as I found this the flashcard app that matches best my needs and expectations
(nice look, quick and easy learning with the quiz).
However, creating a glossary from scratch is rather cumbersome, especially on the tablet, with the second language in a different alphabet (in my case Russian).

This is why I hope to find an importer or converter that can create a tomotko glossary out of structured data, like e.g.

* a tab-separated file with <source>\t<target>\t<comment>, or
* the YAML format used by e.g. WordByWord (


  • Frederic Bergeron

    You will find a MioFlash2toMOTko data converter on the home page under the Data Converters link. It's not the perfect solution but it could be useful if you want to import your list of words quickly. It doesn't consume CSV files but the format is quite similar. You can get an overview of the file format here:

    Basically, the format is:


    The script assumes that you're an English-speaker learning Japanese. So you will have to unzip the content of the file, edit the xml files within and replace the "jp" and "en" language codes to something that suits your needs, probably "ru" and ("en" or "de"). Once all the xml files have been adjusted, zip the files again and import it into toMOTko.

  • Günter Milde

    Günter Milde - 2010-02-10

    Thanks for the hint.
    Would it be possible to make the conversion script available for download and offline use?
    This would be fare more comfortable for repeated use. I could also try to make it configurable.

    Thanks, Günter

  • Frederic Bergeron

    As I don't intend to implement this feature in toMOTko itself for the coming tuture, I close this feature request.

    The right thing to do IMHO is rather to improve my online conversion script. The idea is that I don't want the application to become too fat because it's running on devices with limited memory and power.

  • Frederic Bergeron

    • status: open --> closed