
#3 Use file selector to set webapp directory


When configuring the projects webapp directory (Project properties/Tomcat), I notice that there is a simple text field for setting the directory path. It would be desirable, if we could have a file selector box, or ideally even two (one within the workspace, and the other one externally). Much like when configuring the "Working directory" for running a Java main application in Eclipse.


  • MarkusK

    MarkusK - 2015-04-16
    • Milestone: 3.3.4 --> 3.3.5
  • MarkusK

    MarkusK - 2015-04-16

    Which configuration field do you mean in the properies dialogue?

    I see "Application-URI" determining the path with which a webapp can be accessed on the tomcat. Second I see the optional field to configure the subdirectory serving as webapp root.

    If you mean the second one I can imagine this to be a directory chooser for workspace-internal folders. I cannot really imagine a reason to select external folders, but I might be biassed as I never used this feature before.

  • Jochen Wiedmann

    Jochen Wiedmann - 2015-04-21

    Makus: IMO, it could be both (local, and external). The typical use case is a build script, which assembles the webapp in a directory. This directory might be located just about anywhere. I agree, though, that workspace-internal is the more likely, and more important, variant.

  • MarkusK

    MarkusK - 2015-10-01
    • Milestone: 3.3.5 --> Open
  • MarkusK

    MarkusK - 2015-10-02
    • labels: --> feature
  • MarkusK

    MarkusK - 2016-09-15
    • labels: feature --> feature, help-wanted

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