
TomatoCart / News: Recent posts

Now Available: TomatoCart v1.0 Alpha5

TomatoCart v1.0 Alpha5 is now available to download at:
This version contains alot of fixes and some new features. They are:
*Windows Sidebar
*Account approval
*Customer registration IP recorded
*Abandoned cart
*Quick Create (Order, Customer, Product) in Email Module
*Order Tracking No.
*RSS feed
*Popular Search Terms
*Import & Export (Products/Customers)
*Order Editor
*Tree structure in File manager
*Frontend transltion in language definition

Posted by TomatoCart 2010-03-22

TomatoCart V1.0 alpha4 is availabe

New year and new version from TomatoCart.More features are added in this version:

Who's online
Google sitemap
Banner manager
SSL connection support for admin panel
Installation Wizard
Language manager
SMTP mail server authentication support
Administration log
File manager
Product comparisons
New layout for store front
CRM(Email) Module
Auto search suggested terms

Posted by TomatoCart 2010-01-12

TomatoCart V1.0 alpha3 released

This release adds several new features including:

Downloadable products
Gift Certificate
Virtual & service products
Minimum order quantity per product
Order increment per product
Meta information for products and categories
Customer Store Credit
Change product attributes to product variants
Change product extra fields to products attributes
Return merchandise authorization (RMA)
One page checkout
PDF order, invoice, shipping slip, return slip

Posted by TomatoCart 2010-01-12

TomatoCart V1.0 alpha2 released

This is a bug fix release to solve the problem when TomatoCart is runing under http://localhost, users can not login to administation panel. This is because the domain parameter of PHP setcookie function is "localhost", setcookie can not write value to cookie.

According to the ExtJS lisence GNU General Public License v3, we are allowed to ExtJS in our release.Therefore ExtJS 2.2.1 is included in this release.... read more

Posted by TomatoCart 2010-01-12

TomatoCart v1.0 Alpha 1 Released

After five months development we are proud to present shopping cart solution TomatoCart v1.0 alpha1. TomatoCart is branched from osCommerce 3 and we completely rewrite osCommerce 3 administration panel with rich internet application framework ExtJS .

We implement the web desktop for the administration panel, because web desktop application mimic the user experience of desktop operating-systems, offering features and applications similar to a PC environment, store owner can easily start work with TomatoCart without any difficulty. We are very excited about the result, AJAX and ExtJS offer great usability improvement and excellent user experience.... read more

Posted by TomatoCart 2009-06-21