
TOE - A Tiny and Open Editor / News: Recent posts

TOE A.2.5 released

Finally we made it! After the summer break we're back with a new alpha milestone of TOE. We've tested a lot of new ideas and techniques, therefore it looks more like a tech-demo than an application, but we're confident that this was the LAST alpha release!

Posted by PurpleHaze 2005-10-27

TOE A.2.0 released

...and here we are: One year too late but finally we managed it somehow to finish the A.2.0 Alpha Milestone of TOE. This release is almost a complete rewrite and has a lot of improvements in comparison to the A.1.6p release (e.g. it has a complete new XML layout engine and a new plugin mangement system), but don't expect too much from it. It is still a long way to go.

Posted by PurpleHaze 2005-02-06

toe 2.0

No, we are not dead. Currently we're developing the 2.0 release. As fast as possible(yes I know it's just a year too late) we'll upload the new sources and binaries, so the constantly growing fan crowd could download it. enjoy our completly rewriten toe-code.


Posted by Anonymous 2005-01-07

We're not dead

Although it might seem to you that we're dead already, that's not the case. We had a longer pause due to our university duties, but the development continued slowly. We're currently porting TOE from wxWidgets 2.4.2 to 2.5.2. Look forward for a new release during the next month.

Posted by PurpleHaze 2004-10-14

New Release

A new TOE Alpha Milestone (A.1.6p) hab been released. It only includes small changes since the WIP relase A.1.5.5p (most of them affect the Notebook XML Layout).

Posted by PurpleHaze 2004-01-08

Mailing Lists now online

From now on feel free to subscribe to our Toe-User Mailinglist, you'll get all the fresh and hot info's.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-01-06

Toe on Sourceforge

Finally we made it - Toe has become a Sourceforge project! I've made a "work in progress release" (A.1.5.5p) in order to show you the current state of the project.
Well, alpha releases are always WIP, aren't they? But i didn't find a better name... Whatever, download it and enjoy ;)

Posted by PurpleHaze 2004-01-01