
#1724 Bad Path Names For X11 Directory

obsolete: 8.4.6

When building tk8.4.6 on Unix, I was met with several
error messages stating that various files from the X11
directory could not be found.

I modified the paths for the files that couldn't be found
(basically every file with the X11 Directory), in the
header files which referenced them (tk.h, Xlib.h,
tkIntXlibDecls.h, tkUnixPort.h, and keysym.h)
from "X11/filename" to "../xlib/X11/filename".

After typing "make" again, it found most of the files, but
the tkUnixPort.h file referenced two files that weren't
included in the download package (Xpronto.h, and
Xresource.h) and thus the package would still
not compile.

Any help with the problem would be greatly appreciated.
Jason (


  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2004-06-19
    • status: open --> closed
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2004-06-19
    • assigned_to: mdejong --> dgp
    • status: closed --> closed-invalid
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2004-06-19

    Logged In: YES

    You've misdiagnosed the issue.

    The directory tk8.4.6/xlib is not
    meant to be used on Unix. It
    contains some X emulation code
    for those platforms that do not
    use X windows.

    On Unix, Tk's configure script should
    find the X header files that are
    installed on your system. Are they
    installed on your system? That's
    likely the real problem. You are
    probably trying to build Tk, a library
    that uses X calls, on a system where
    the development package for X (headers
    and libraries) are not installed.

    Install the X development package for
    your platform, and things should be

    Are you on a platform, and in a situation
    where the pre-compiled binaries from
    ActiveState might be a better solution?