
#1143 test suite failures

obsolete: 8.4a4

platform: sparc solaris 2.6
Compiler: Sun's C compiler
cc: Sun WorkShop 6 2000/06/19 C 5.1 Patch 109491-02
Tcl and Tk from the activestate cvs as of Feb 20, 00:05

I did a make distclean then a
configure --prefix=/usr/tcl84 --enable-symbols
in the Tcl directory, then a make, and a make test
that passed all tests, then a make install.

I then moved to the tk directory,
did a make distclean then a
configure --prefix=/usr/tcl84 --enable-symbols
and then a make and make test . I got these errors


==== filebox-3.2 tk_getSaveFile command FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

ToPressButton $parent ok
set choice [$command -title "Press Ok"
-filetypes $filters($x) -
parent $parent -initialfile $fileName -initialdir

---- Result was:
/vol/tclsrcsol/tcl84/tk/unix/12x 455.txt
---- Result should have been:
/vol/tclsrcsol/tcl84/tk/unix/12x 455
==== filebox-3.2 FAILED

==== filebox-3.3 tk_getSaveFile command FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

ToPressButton $parent ok
set choice [$command -title "Press Ok"
-filetypes $filters($x) -
parent $parent -initialfile $fileName -initialdir

---- Result was:
/vol/tclsrcsol/tcl84/tk/unix/12x 455.txt
---- Result should have been:
/vol/tclsrcsol/tcl84/tk/unix/12x 455
==== filebox-3.3 FAILED


==== focus-5.1 ChangeXFocus procedure, don't take focus
unless have it FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

focus -force .t
set result [focus]
send [dobg {tk appname}] {focus -force .; update}
lappend result [focus]
focus .t.b2
lappend result [focus]

---- Result was:
.t .t {}
---- Result should have been:
.t {} {}
==== focus-5.1 FAILED


==== listbox-13.3 ListboxScanTo procedure FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

.l yview moveto 1.0
.l xview moveto 1.0
.l scan mark 10 20
.l scan dragto 5 10
set x [list [.l xview] [.l yview]]
.l scan dragto [expr 5+$width] [expr 10+$height]
lappend x [.l xview] [.l yview]

---- Result was:
{0.8 1} {0.75 1} {0.64 0.84} {0.25 0.5}
---- Result should have been:
{0.8 1} {0.75 1} {0.62 0.82} {0.25 0.5}
==== listbox-13.3 FAILED


==== unixWm-50.1 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a
toplevel, x-coords FAILE
==== Contents of test case:

eval destroy [winfo children .]
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg green
wm geom .t +40+0
tkwait visibility .t
toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 80 -bg red
wm geom .t2 +140+200
tkwait visibility .t2
raise .t2
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
list [winfo containing [expr $x - 30] [expr $y +
250]] [winfo containing [e
xpr $x - 1] [expr $y + 250]] [winfo containing $x
[expr $y + 250]] [winfo cont
aining [expr $x + 99] [expr $y + 250]] [winfo
containing [expr $x + 100] [expr
$y + 250]] [winfo containing [expr $x + 199] [expr $y
+ 250]] [winfo containin
g [expr $x + 200] [expr $y + 250]] [winfo containing
[expr $x + 220] [expr $y +

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
---- Result should have been:
{} {} .t {} .t2 .t2 {} .t
==== unixWm-50.1 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.2 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a
toplevel, y-coords and o
verrideredirect FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

eval destroy [winfo children .]
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg yellow
wm geom .t +0+50
tkwait visibility .t
toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 80 -bg blue
wm overrideredirect .t2 1
wm geom .t2 +100+200
tkwait visibility .t2
raise .t2
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
set y2 [winfo rooty .t2]
list [winfo containing [expr $x +150] 10] [winfo
containing [expr $x +150]
[expr $y - 1]] [winfo containing [expr $x +150] $y]
[winfo containing [expr $x
+150] [expr $y2 - 1]] [winfo containing [expr $x
+150] $y2] [winfo containing
[expr $x +150] [expr $y2 + 79]] [winfo containing
[expr $x +150] [expr $y2 + 8
0]] [winfo containing [expr $x +150] [expr $y + 450]]

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {} .t2 .t2 {} {}
---- Result should have been:
{} {} .t .t .t2 .t2 .t {}
==== unixWm-50.2 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.3 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, finding a
toplevel with embedding
==== Contents of test case:

eval destroy [winfo children .]
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg blue
wm geom .t +0+50
frame .t.f -container 1
place .t.f -x 150 -y 50
tkwait visibility .t.f
dobg "
wm withdraw .
toplevel .x -width 100 -height 80 -use [winfo
id .t.f] -bg yellow
tkwait visibility .x"
set result [dobg {
set x [winfo rootx .x]
set y [winfo rooty .x]
list [winfo containing [expr $x - 1] [expr $y +
50]] [winfo containing
$x [expr $y +50]]
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
lappend result [winfo containing [expr $x + 200]
[expr $y + 49]] [winfo con
taining [expr $x + 200] [expr $y +50]]

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {}
---- Result should have been:
{} .x .t .t.f
==== unixWm-50.3 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.4 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, window in
other application FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
catch {interp delete slave}
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm geometry .t +0+0
tkwait visibility .t
interp create slave
load {} Tk slave
slave eval {wm geometry . 200x200+0+0; tkwait
visibility .}
set result [list [winfo containing 100 100] [slave
eval {winfo containing 1
00 100}]]
interp delete slave
set result

---- Result was:
{} {}
---- Result should have been:
{} .
==== unixWm-50.4 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.5 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, handling
menubars FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

eval destroy [winfo children .]
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bd 2 -relief
frame .t.f -width 150 -height 120 -bg green
place .t.f -x 10 -y 150
wm geom .t +0+50
frame -width 100 -height 30 -bd 2 -relief
frame -width 40 -height 20 -bg purple
place -x 30 -y 10
testmenubar window .t
tkwait visibility
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
list [winfo containing $x [expr $y - 31]] [winfo
containing $x [expr $y - 3
0]] [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] [expr $y - 19]]
[winfo containing [expr $
x + 50] [expr $y - 18]] [winfo containing [expr $x +
50] $y] [winfo containing
[expr $x + 11] [expr $y + 152]] [winfo containing
[expr $x + 12] [expr $y + 15

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {} {} {} {}
---- Result should have been:
{} .t .t .t.f
==== unixWm-50.5 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.6 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, embedding
within one app. FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

eval destroy [winfo children .]
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg orange
wm geom .t +0+50
frame .t.f -container 1
place .t.f -x 150 -y 50
tkwait visibility .t.f
toplevel .t2 -width 100 -height 80 -bg green -use
[winfo id .t.f]
tkwait visibility .t2
set x [winfo rootx .t]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
list [winfo containing [expr $x +149] [expr $y +
80]] [winfo containing [ex
pr $x +150] [expr $y +80]] [winfo containing [expr $x
+249] [expr $y +80]] [wi
nfo containing [expr $x +250] [expr $y +80]]

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {}
---- Result should have been:
.t .t2 .t2 .t
==== unixWm-50.6 FAILED
==== unixWm-50.7 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, more
basics FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t -width 300 -height 400 -bg green
wm geom .t +0+0
frame .t.f -width 100 -height 200 -bd 2 -relief
place .t.f -x 100 -y 100
frame .t.f.f -width 100 -height 200 -bd 2 -relief
place .t.f.f -x 0 -y 100
tkwait visibility .t.f.f
set x [expr [winfo rootx .t] + 150]
set y [winfo rooty .t]
list [winfo containing $x [expr $y + 50]] [winfo
containing $x [expr $y + 1
50]] [winfo containing $x [expr $y + 250]] [winfo
containing $x [expr $y + 350
]] [winfo containing $x [expr $y + 450]]

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {} {}
---- Result should have been:
.t .t.f .t.f.f .t {}
==== unixWm-50.7 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.8 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, more
basics FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t -width 400 -height 300 -bg green
wm geom .t +0+0
frame .t.f -width 200 -height 100 -bd 2 -relief
place .t.f -x 100 -y 100
frame .t.f.f -width 200 -height 100 -bd 2 -relief
place .t.f.f -x 100 -y 0
set x [winfo rooty .t]
set y [expr [winfo rooty .t] + 150]
list [winfo containing [expr $x + 50] $y] [winfo
containing [expr $x + 150]
$y] [winfo containing [expr $x + 250] $y] [winfo
containing [expr $x + 350] $
y] [winfo containing [expr $x + 450] $y]

---- Result was:
{} {} {} {} {}
---- Result should have been:
.t .t.f .t.f.f .t {}
==== unixWm-50.8 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.9 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, unmapped
windows FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
catch {destroy .t2}
sleep 500 ;# Give window manager time to
catch up.
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm geometry .t +0+0
tkwait visibility .t
toplevel .t2 -width 200 -height 200 -bg red
wm geometry .t2 +0+0
tkwait visibility .t2
set result [list [winfo containing 100 100]]
wm iconify .t2
lappend result [winfo containing 100 100]

---- Result was:
{} {}
---- Result should have been:
.t2 .t
==== unixWm-50.9 FAILED

==== unixWm-50.10 Tk_CoordsToWindow procedure, unmapped
windows FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm geometry .t +0+0
frame .t.f -width 150 -height 150 -bd 2 -relief
place .t.f -x 25 -y 25
tkwait visibility .t.f
set result [list [winfo containing 100 100]]
place forget .t.f
lappend result [winfo containing 100 100]
---- Result was:
{} {}
---- Result should have been:
.t.f .t
==== unixWm-50.10 FAILED

==== unixWm-51.6 TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, window
to be stacked isn't mappe
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm geometry .t +0+0
tkwait visibility .t
catch {destroy .t2}
toplevel .t2 -width 200 -height 200 -bg red
wm geometry .t2 +0+0
winfo containing 100 100

---- Result was:

---- Result should have been:
==== unixWm-51.6 FAILED

==== unixWm-51.7 TkWmRestackToplevel procedure, other
window isn't mapped FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

foreach w {.t .t2 .t3} {
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w -width 200 -height 200 -bg green
wm geometry $w +0+0
raise .t .t2
set result [list [winfo containing 100 100]]
lower .t3
lappend result [winfo containing 100 100]

---- Result was:
{} {}
---- Result should have been:
.t3 .t
==== unixWm-51.7 FAILED

skipping: Windows only tests...

==== winfo-4.5 "winfo containing" command FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

winfo containing [winfo rootx .t.f] [winfo rooty

---- Result was:

---- Result should have been:
==== winfo-4.5 FAILED

==== winfo-13.4 [winfo containing] with embedded
windows FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

button .b
pack .b -expand yes -fill both
set z [string compare [winfo containing [winfo
rootx .emb.b] [winfo rooty .
emb.b]] .emb.b]
catch {destroy .con}
catch {destroy .emb}
set z

---- Result was:
---- Result should have been:
==== winfo-13.4 FAILED


==== wm-stackorder-2.2 FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t ; update
raise .
wm stackorder .

---- Result was:
. .t
---- Result should have been:
.t .
==== wm-stackorder-2.2 FAILED

==== wm-stackorder-2.3 FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t ; update
catch {destroy .t2}
toplevel .t2 ; update
raise .
raise .t2
wm stackorder .

---- Result was:
. .t .t2
---- Result should have been:
.t . .t2
==== wm-stackorder-2.3 FAILED

==== wm-stackorder-2.4 FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t ; update
catch {destroy .t2}
toplevel .t2 ; update
raise .
lower .t2
wm stackorder .

---- Result was:
.t2 . .t
---- Result should have been:
.t2 .t .
==== wm-stackorder-2.4 FAILED

==== wm-stackorder-2.5 FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .parent}
toplevel .parent ; update
catch {destroy .parent.child1}
toplevel .parent.child1 ; update
catch {destroy .parent.child2}
toplevel .parent.child2 ; update
catch {destroy .extra}
toplevel .extra ; update
raise .parent
lower .parent.child2
wm stackorder .parent

---- Result was:
.parent.child2 .parent .parent.child1
---- Result should have been:
.parent.child2 .parent.child1 .parent
==== wm-stackorder-2.5 FAILED

==== wm-stackorder-4.3 wm stackorder isabove|isbelow
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t ; update
raise .
wm stackorder .t isa .

---- Result was:
---- Result should have been:
==== wm-stackorder-4.3 FAILED

==== wm-stackorder-4.4 wm stackorder isabove|isbelow
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t ; update
raise .
wm stackorder .t isb .

---- Result was:
---- Result should have been:
==== wm-stackorder-4.4 FAILED

==== wm-stackorder-5.1 a menu is not a toplevel FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

catch {destroy .t}
toplevel .t
menu .t.m -type menubar
.t.m add cascade -label "File"
.t configure -menu .t.m
raise .
wm stackorder .

---- Result was:
. .t
---- Result should have been:
.t .
==== wm-stackorder-5.1 FAILED



  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2002-02-20
    • labels: 318652 --> 67. Unix Window Operations
    • assigned_to: caflick --> jenglish
  • Don Porter

    Don Porter - 2002-02-20

    Logged In: YES

    most of these are duplicates of
    other Bug reports.

    New ones appear to be in Unix
    Window Operations.

  • Joe English

    Joe English - 2002-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    Never was able to replicate any of these.

  • Joe English

    Joe English - 2002-06-21
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me