
Official TkDiff Version 5.2.1 is released

As its point-release stature suggests, the V5.2.1 release is all about loose ends - both real and perceived. In the real category there were two minor observations that have been addressed involving improper toolbar buttons being displayed at startup, and the correct interpretation of recursive-Diff results when NON-default options were in use. In the perceived context, it became readily apparent that the TkDiff method of presenting multiple file pairs (via a menu) could become overwhelmed if the number of file pairs became excessive. Accordingly, TkDiff now enforces an adjustable maximum limit (up to 25) for its filelist menu presentation, causing it to substitute a simple dialog window containing a scroll-able list when that threshold is exceeded from the present input data conditions. This threshold is a new user preference value, enabling one to always prefer the separate window approach if you so choose. The online Help information is recommended reading for tuning this feature, in conjunction with the "recursive Diff" option settings, to achieve the most comfortable results. We believe V5.2.1 to be the most stabilized - and highly recommend its adoption. We welcome any feedback, as always.

Posted by michael-m 2021-03-27

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