
Official TkDiff Version 5.1 is released

TkDiff V5.1 has concentrated primarily on eliminating older, more problematic and even deprecated code, while simultaneously adding one of the most requested features throughout its history: user specifiable keyboard bindings for the key operational elements of the tool. What power users call "shortcuts" or "hotkeys". As one might expect, each such keystroke is handled by TkDiff as a persistent preference value, and while the initial values follow the prior historical settings (in case anyone is particularly used to them) each can now be reassigned, subject to the rules of "higher priority" by any given platform. You obviously can't assign a key-combination that, say, the operating system has already assigned to another purpose. All presently known bugs have been eliminated, and several additional opportunities for speedups have been exploited thereby increasing both stability and efficiency. There has even been some additional build-out of both the report generation and Bookmarking facilities, increasing the versatility of the tool as a whole. We hope you find this release as stable as we have tried to make it, and enjoy the new features. Feel free to comment or report concerns as the spirit moves you.

Posted by michael-m 2020-11-12

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